Crate mosek

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  • Computes vector addition and multiplication by a scalar.
  • Compares a version of the MOSEK DLL with a specified version.
  • Computes a Cholesky factorization of sparse matrix.
  • Computes the inner product of two vectors.
  • Prints an intro to message stream.
  • Performs a dense matrix multiplication.
  • Computes dense matrix times a dense vector product.
  • Obtains build information.
  • Obtains a short description of a response code.
  • Obtain the class of a response code.
  • Obtains MOSEK version information.
  • Return true if value is considered infinity by MOSEK.
  • Stops all threads and delete all handles used by the license system.
  • Optimize a number of tasks in parallel using a specified number of threads.
  • Computes a Cholesky factorization of a dense matrix.
  • Solves a sparse triangular system of linear equations.
  • Computes all eigenvalues of a symmetric dense matrix.
  • Computes all the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a symmetric dense matrix, and thus its eigenvalue decomposition.
  • Obtains the value corresponding to a symbolic name defined by MOSEK.
  • Performs a rank-k update of a symmetric matrix.