Expand description

Small library providing some macros helpful for asserting. The API is very similar to the API provided by the stdlib’s own assert_eq!, assert_ne!, debug_assert_eq!, and debug_assert_ne!.

NameEnabledEquivalent to
assert_le!Alwaysassert!(a <= b)
assert_lt!Alwaysassert!(a < b)
assert_ge!Alwaysassert!(a >= b)
assert_gt!Alwaysassert!(a > b)
debug_assert_le!if cfg!(debug_assertions)debug_assert!(a <= b)
debug_assert_lt!if cfg!(debug_assertions)debug_assert!(a < b)
debug_assert_ge!if cfg!(debug_assertions)debug_assert!(a >= b)
debug_assert_gt!if cfg!(debug_assertions)debug_assert!(a > b)
debug_unreachable!if cfg!(debug_assertions)unreachable! when debug_assertions are on.

When one of the assertions fails, it prints out a message like the following:

thread 'main' panicked at 'assertion failed: `left < right`
  left: `4`,
 right: `3`', src/main.rs:47:5
note: Run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` for a backtrace.


use more_asserts as ma;

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
enum Example { Foo, Bar }

ma::assert_le!(3, 4);
    10, 10,
    "You can pass a message too (just like `assert_eq!`)",
    1.3, 4.5,
    "Format syntax is supported ({}).",
    "also like `assert_eq!`"

    Example::Bar, Example::Foo,
    "It works on anything that implements PartialOrd and Debug!",


Panics if the first expression is not greater than or equal to the second.

Panics if the first expression is not strictly greater than the second.

Panics if the first expression is not less than or equal to the second.

Panics if the first expression is not strictly less than the second.

Same as assert_ge! in builds with debug assertions enabled, and a no-op otherwise.

Same as assert_gt! in builds with debug assertions enabled, and a no-op otherwise.

Same as assert_le! in builds with debug assertions enabled, and a no-op otherwise.

Same as assert_lt! in builds with debug assertions enabled, and a no-op otherwise.

Panics if reached when debug assertions are enabled.