var searchIndex = {}; searchIndex["monteflake"] = {"doc":"","items":[[3,"MonteFlake","monteflake","MonteFlake creates a configurable Snowflake ID generator where the epoch\nand bitwidths may be adjusted to your liking from the defaults.\nMonteFlake id generation will always increase in value from the time\nits instantiated. No other guarantees are made. If a MonteFlake generator\nis created after a clock moves back from other MonteFlake generated ids\nconflicting ID values are entirely possible.",null,null],[11,"new","","Build a new monteflake with default options\nid: 0\nepoch: 2013-01-01T00:00:00Z in milliseconds since the unix epoch\nbitwidths (42 timestamp bits, 10 id bits, 12 sequence bits)",0,{"inputs":[{"name":"u64"}],"output":{"name":"monteflake"}}],[11,"epoch","","Set the epoch of a MonteFlake generator",0,null],[11,"id","","Set the id of a MonteFlake generator",0,null],[11,"bitwidths","","Set the bitwidths of a MonteFlake generator",0,null],[11,"next","","generate the next id\ninternally this updates at least the current sequence value, possibly\nthe timestamp value if enough time has elapsed to matter",0,null],[11,"encode","","encode into an id the current time, id of the generator (machine, node, shard), and\nsequence value\nthe current time (ts) is the number of milliseconds passed since the unix epoch",0,null],[11,"decode","","decode from an encoded id the time, id of the generator, and sequence id\nthe current time (ts) is the number of milliseconds passed since the unix epoch",0,null]],"paths":[[3,"MonteFlake"]]}; initSearch(searchIndex);