Crate money2

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This crate provides functionality for storing and exchanging various ISO-4217 currency codes using the European Central Bank.


  • num-traits adds support for the num-traits crate.
  • serde adds support for the serde crate.



  • Decimal represents a 128 bit representation of a fixed-precision decimal number. The finite set of values of type Decimal are of the form m / 10e, where m is an integer such that -296 < m < 296, and e is an integer between 0 and 28 inclusive.
  • A collection of rates of exchange between currencies such that some amount of Money divided by its Currency will yield Currency::Eur, and an amount of Currency::Eur multiplied by any Currency’s exchange rate will yield that Currency.
  • An amount of Currency.



  • Implementors of this trait contain quantities which are relative to the Currency they are currently in. To view them in another Currency, they must be exchanged using the rates of conversion.

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