
A complete parsing failure along with the location the error occurred and the error message.


An error that occurred while parsing.



Asserts that a given condition is true about the combinator. Otherwise returns an error with the message.
Asserts that a combinator resolves. If backtracing occurs, returns a failure.
Recognizes a character.
Checks if a combinator is false without consuming the input.
Gets a second value that is delimited by a first and third.
Checks if the combinator result is not empty.
Checks if a condition is true for a combinator.
Logs the result for quick debugging purposes.
Applies the combinator 0 or more times and returns a vector of all the parsed results.
Applies the combinator at least 1 time, but maybe more and returns a vector of all the parsed results.
Keeps consuming a combinator into an array until a condition is met or backtracing occurs.
Maps the success of a combinator by a function.
Maps the result of a combinator by a function.
Maps a success to Some(T) and a backtrace to None.
Gets the next character.
Recognizes any character in the provided string.
Checks for either to match.
Checks for any to match.
Checks for any to match.
Checks for any to match.
Checks for any to match.
Checks for any to match.
Returns both results of the two combinators.
Returns the second value and discards the first.
Keeps consuming a combinator into an array until a condition is met or backtracing occurs.
Skip the input while the condition is true.
Skips the whitespace.
Gets the substring found for the duration of the combinator.
Recognizes a string.
Takes a substring while the condition is true.
Returns the first value and discards the second.
Parses and expects whitespace.
Provides some context to a failure.
Changes the input on a failure in order to provide a better error message.

Type Definitions