[][src]Type Definition mogwai::component::SimpleComponent

type SimpleComponent<T, D> = GizmoComponent<Box<BuilderFn<T, D>>>;

A simple component made from a BuilderFn.

Any function that takes a transmitter and receiver of the same type and returns a Gizmo can be made into a component that holds no internal state. It forwards all of its incoming messages to its view.

extern crate mogwai;
use mogwai::prelude::*;

let component: SimpleComponent<(), HtmlElement> =
  |tx: Transmitter<()>, rx: Receiver<()>| -> Gizmo<HtmlElement> {
      .style("cursor", "pointer")
      .rx_text("Click me", rx.branch_map(|()| "Clicked!".to_string()))
      .tx_on("click", tx.contra_map(|_| ()))
) as Box<BuilderFn<(), HtmlElement>>)