[][src]Macro mockall::mock

macro_rules! mock {
    () => { ... };

Manually mock a structure.

Sometimes automock can't be used. In those cases you can use mock!, which basically involves repeating the struct's or trait's definitions.

The format is:

  • Optional visibility specifier
  • Real structure name and generics fields
  • 0 or more methods of the structure, written without bodies, enclosed in a {} block
  • 0 or more traits to implement for the structure, written like normal traits


Mock a trait. This is the simplest use case.

trait Foo {
    fn foo(&self, x: u32);
    pub MyStruct<T: Clone + 'static> {
        fn bar(&self) -> u8;
    trait Foo {
        fn foo(&self, x: u32);

When mocking a generic struct's implementation of a generic trait, use the same namespace for their generic parameters. For example, if you wanted to mock Rc, do

    pub Rc<T: 'static> {}
    trait AsRef<T> {
        fn as_ref(&self) -> &T;


This example deliberately fails to compile
    pub Rc<Q: 'static> {}
    trait AsRef<T: 'static> {
        fn as_ref(&self) -> &T;

Associated types can easily be mocked by specifying a concrete type in the mock!{} invocation. But be careful not to reference the associated type in the signatures of any of the trait's methods; repeat the concrete type instead. For example, do:

    MyIter {}
    trait Iterator {
        type Item=u32;

        fn next(&mut self) -> Option<u32>;


This example deliberately fails to compile
    MyIter {}
    trait Iterator {
        type Item=u32;

        fn next(&mut self) -> Option<<Self as Iterator>::Item>;