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Partially-Signed Bitcoin Transactions

This module implements the Finalizer and Extractor roles defined in BIP 174, PSBT, described at https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0174.mediawiki


Psbt satisfier for at inputs at a particular index Takes in &psbt because multiple inputs will share the same psbt structure All operations on this structure will panic if index is more than number of inputs in pbst


Error type for entire Psbt
Error type for Pbst Input
Sighash message(signing data) for a given psbt transaction input.
Return error type for PsbtExt::sighash_msg


Additional operations for miniscript descriptors for various psbt roles. Note that these APIs would generally error when used on scripts that are not miniscripts.
Extension trait for PSBT inputs
Extension trait for PSBT outputs


Finalize the psbt. This function takes in a mutable reference to psbt and populates the final_witness and final_scriptsig of the psbt assuming all of the inputs are miniscript as per BIP174. If any of the inputs is not miniscript, this returns a parsing error For satisfaction of individual inputs, use the satisfy API. This function also performs a sanity interpreter check on the finalized psbt which involves checking the signatures/ preimages/timelocks. The functions fails it is not possible to satisfy any of the inputs non-malleably See finalize_mall if you want to allow malleable satisfactions
Same as finalize, but allows for malleable satisfactions
Interprets all psbt inputs and checks whether the script is correctly interpreted according to the context The psbt must have included final script sig and final witness. In other words, this checks whether the finalized psbt interprets correctly