[][src]Function mininip::dump::dump_str

pub fn dump_str(content: &str) -> String

Formats a &str by escaping special characters

Return value

A String containing the escaped string

Why should I format it?

The Display trait is about displaying a value to the user while Debug is for debuging. There is not any trait for dumping a value in a file knowing it can't be backed up in the same way it is displayed, so escape does this.

For instance, if content is "a'bc=123;", then, escape will return r"a\'bc\=123\;" because it escapes special characters such as =, ', ;, ...

More escaped characters may be found at Wikipedia

The Unicode special case

A non-ASCII character is escaped as a \x?????? with exactly 6 hexadecimal digits even if a smaller number is suitable


use mininip::dump::dump_str;
assert_eq!(dump_str("a'bc=123;"), r"a\'bc\=123\;");
assert_eq!(dump_str("\u{263a}"),  r"\x00263a");