Expand description

Re-exported dtt_macros module from dtt. The macros module contains functions for generating macros. Macros for the dtt crate.

This module bundles all macros used across the dtt crate. These include macros for validating input, and macros for generating the DateTime struct.

Generic macros for the dtt crate.

This crate provides the following macros:

dttThe main macro for the dtt crate. It takes any number of arguments and parses them into a Rust value.
dtt_printPrints the arguments to the console.
dtt_vecCreates a new vector of the given elements.
dtt_mapCreates a new map of the given key-value pairs.
dtt_assertChecks if the given expression is true.
dtt_minReturns the minimum of the given values.
dtt_maxReturns the maximum of the given values.
dtt_splitSplits a string into a vector of words.
dtt_joinJoins a vector of strings into a single string.
dtt_print_vecPrints a vector of elements to the console.//!


use dtt::DateTime;
use dtt::{dtt, dtt_print, dtt_vec, dtt_map, dtt_assert, dtt_min, dtt_max, dtt_split, dtt_join, dtt_print_vec};

// dtt macro - parsing a string into a DateTime struct
let input = "2023-01-01T00:00:00Z";
let result = dtt!(input);

// dtt_print macro - printing a string to the console
let message = "Hello, world!";

// dtt_vec macro - creating a new vector of the given elements
let v = dtt_vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
assert_eq!(v, vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);

// dtt_map macro - creating a new map of the given key-value pairs
let m = dtt_map!{"one" => 1, "two" => 2};
assert_eq!(m["one"], 1);
assert_eq!(m["two"], 2);

// dtt_assert macro - checking if the given expression is true
dtt_assert!(1 + 1 == 2); // does not panic

// dtt_min macro - returning the minimum of the given values
let min = dtt_min!(5, 2, 9, 4, 7);
assert_eq!(min, 2);

// dtt_max macro - returning the maximum of the given values
let max = dtt_max!(5, 2, 9, 4, 7);
assert_eq!(max, 9);

// dtt_split macro - splitting a string into a vector of words
let words = dtt_split!("Hello, world!");
assert_eq!(words, vec!["Hello,", "world!"]);

// dtt_join macro - joining a vector of strings together into a single string
let sentence = dtt_join!("Hello", ", ", "world", "!");
assert_eq!(sentence, "Hello, world!");

// dtt_print_vec macro - printing a vector of elements to the console
let v = vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
dtt_print_vec!(v); // prints "1", "2", "3", "4", "5" each on their own line

Macro for validating a string input against a regex.

This macro generates a function that takes a string as input and returns a boolean.

It takes two arguments:

  • $name: The name of the function to be generated.
  • $type: The type of the input to be validated.

The function returns true if the input can be parsed into the given type, and false otherwise.

The macro can be used to validate multiple types of DateTime methods such as:

is_valid!(day, u32)Validates that a day is valid.
is_valid!(hour, u32)Validates that an hour is valid.
is_valid!(minute, u32)Validates that a minute is valid.
is_valid!(month, u32)Validates that a month is valid.
is_valid!(second, u32)Validates that a second is valid.
is_valid_time!(time, u32)Validates that a time is valid.
is_valid_iso_8601!(iso_8601, u32)Validates that a iso_8601 is valid.


use dtt::is_valid;
use dtt::DateTime;

// Validation of a day
let input = "31".to_string();
is_valid!(day, String);
let result = day(&input);

// Validation of an hour
let input = "23".to_string();
is_valid!(hour, String);
let result = hour(&input);

// Validation of a minute
let input = "59".to_string();
is_valid!(minute, String);
let result = minute(&input);

// Validation of a month
let input = "12".to_string();
is_valid!(month, String);
let result = month(&input);

// Validation of a second
let input = "59".to_string();
is_valid!(second, String);
let result = second(&input);

// Validation of a microsecond
let input = "999999".to_string();
is_valid!(microsecond, String);
let result = microsecond(&input);

// Validation of an ordinal
let input = "365".to_string();
is_valid!(ordinal, String);
let result = ordinal(&input);

// Validation of a time
let input = "23:59:59".to_string();
is_valid!(time, String);
let result = time(&input);

// Validation of an iso_8601
let input = "2022-01-01T12:00:00+01:00".to_string();
is_valid!(iso_8601, String);
let result = iso_8601(&input);