macro_rules! macro_execute_and_log {
    ($command:expr, $package:expr, $operation:expr, $start_message:expr, $complete_message:expr, $error_message:expr) => { ... };
Expand description

Macros related to executing shell commands.

Executes a shell command, logs the start and completion of the operation, and handles any errors that occur.


  • $command: The shell command to execute.
  • $package: The name of the package the command is being run on.
  • $operation: A description of the operation being performed.
  • $start_message: The log message to be displayed at the start of the operation.
  • $complete_message: The log message to be displayed upon successful completion of the operation.
  • $error_message: The log message to be displayed in case of an error.


Returns a Result<(), anyhow::Error> indicating the success or failure of the operation.