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This module stores all data structs used to receive data from the Minehut API.


Struct represents response from Minehut API for home page stats. It contains user and server count.

This represents servers owned by an authenticated user using the Client struct. Closely resembles the Server struct with slight modifications allowing more information to be seen.

Struct represents response from the API for player distribution. It contains both Java and Bedrock stats.

Represents a Minehut product response from the API. It contains most information about a product. Due to the response body from the API, many fields are optional.

This struct represents a Minehut server, contains most information returned by the Minehut API.

This struct represents the server data obtained from server list. It is different from the normal Server struct due to how Minehut structured the response.

This struct represents a server icon response from the Minehut API. Contains useful information about icons such as the ID, name, price and rank.

Struct represents response from Minehut API for simple stats. It contains info such as player and server count.