initSidebarItems({"enum":[["Node","A multipart part which could be either a file, in memory, or another multipart container containing nested parts."]],"fn":[["get_multipart_boundary","Get the `multipart/*` boundary string from `hyper::Headers`"],["parse_multipart","Parse a MIME `multipart/*` from a `Read`able stream into a `Vec` of `Node`s, streaming files to disk and keeping the rest in memory. Recursive `multipart/*` parts will are parsed as well and returned within a `Node::Multipart` variant."],["parse_multipart_body","Parse a MIME `multipart/*` from a `Read`able stream into a `Vec` of `Node`s, streaming files to disk and keeping the rest in memory. Recursive `multipart/*` parts will are parsed as well and returned within a `Node::Multipart` variant."]],"mod":[["error",""]],"struct":[["FilePart","A file that is to be inserted into a `multipart/*` or alternatively an uploaded file that was received as part of `multipart/*` parsing."],["Part","A multipart part which is not a file (stored in memory)"]]});