Crate microxdg

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An XDG Base Directory Specification Rust library that aims to be conservative on memory allocation and overall memory footprint.


The following example illustrates how to retrieve the user-specific XDG configuration base directory:

use microxdg::{Xdg, XdgError};

fn main() -> Result<(), XdgError> {
    let xdg = Xdg::new()?;
    let config_dir = xdg.config()?;
    debug_assert_eq!(Path::new("/home/user/.config"), &config_dir);

    /* Do something with `config_dir`... */


One may also want to retrieve the user-specific XDG state subdirectories relative to a certain application:

use microxdg::{XdgApp, XdgError};

fn main() -> Result<(), XdgError> {
    let xdg = XdgApp::new("app_name")?;
    let app_state_dir = xdg.app_state()?;
    debug_assert_eq!(Path::new("/home/user/.local/state/app_name"), &app_state_dir);

    /* Do something with `app_state_dir`... */


