Expand description

microrm is a crate providing a lightweight ORM on top of SQLite.

Unlike fancier ORM systems, microrm is intended to be extremely lightweight and code-light, which means that by necessity it is opinionated, and thus lacks the power and flexibility of, say, SeaORM or Diesel. In particular, microrm currently makes no attempts to provide database migration support.

microrm provides two components: modeling and querying. The intention is that the modelling is built statically; dynamic models are not directly supported though are possible. However, since by design microrm does not touch database contents for tables not defined in its model, using raw SQL for any needed dynamic components may be a better choice.

Querying supports a small subset of SQL expressed as type composition; see QueryInterface for more details.

A simple example using an SQLite table as an (indexed) key/value store might look something like this:

use microrm::prelude::*;
use microrm::{Entity,make_index};
pub struct KVStore {
    pub key: String,
    pub value: String

// the !KVStoreIndex here means a type representing a unique index named KVStoreIndex
make_index!(!KVStoreIndex, KVStore::Key);

let schema = microrm::Schema::new()

// dump the schema in case you want to inspect it manually
for create_sql in schema.create() {
    println!("{};", create_sql);

let db = microrm::DB::new_in_memory(schema).unwrap();
let qi = db.query_interface();

qi.add(&KVStore {
    key: "a_key".to_string(),
    value: "a_value".to_string()

// because KVStoreIndex indexes key, this is a logarithmic lookup
let qr = qi.get().by(KVStore::Key, "a_key").one().expect("No errors encountered");

assert_eq!(qr.is_some(), true);
assert_eq!(qr.as_ref().unwrap().key, "a_key");
assert_eq!(qr.as_ref().unwrap().value, "a_value");

The schema output from the loop is (details subject to change based on internals):

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "kv_store" (id integer primary key,"key" text,"value" text);
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "kv_store_index" ON "kv_store" ("key");

If you’re using microrm in a threaded or async environment, you’ll need to use a DBPool. You can then write code like this:

async fn insert_a(dbp: &microrm::DBPool<'_>) {
    let qi = dbp.query_interface();
    qi.add(&KVStore {
        key: "a_key".to_string(),
        value: "a_value".to_string()

async fn insert_b(dbp: &microrm::DBPool<'_>) {
    let qi = dbp.query_interface();
    qi.add(&KVStore {
        key: "b_key".to_string(),
        value: "b_value".to_string()

// running in your favourite async runtime
async fn main() {
    let db = microrm::DB::new_in_memory(schema).unwrap();
    let dbp = microrm::DBPool::new(&db);

    let a = insert_a(&dbp);
    let b = insert_b(&dbp);


    let qi = dbp.query_interface();

    let qr = qi.get().by(KVStore::Key, "a_key").one().unwrap();
    assert_eq!(qr.is_some(), true);
    assert_eq!(qr.as_ref().unwrap().key, "a_key");
    assert_eq!(qr.as_ref().unwrap().value, "a_value");

    let qr = qi.get().by(KVStore::Key, "b_key").one().unwrap();
    assert_eq!(qr.is_some(), true);
    assert_eq!(qr.as_ref().unwrap().key, "b_key");
    assert_eq!(qr.as_ref().unwrap().value, "b_value");

Note that between acquiring a QueryInterface reference and dropping it, you must not .await anything; the compiler will (appropriately) complain.


pub use query::build::CompareOp;
pub use query::QueryInterface;
pub use query::WithID;
pub use schema::Schema;



Defines a struct to represent a optionally-unique index on a table.


SQLite database connection

Add support for multi-threading to a DB.


Derive Macros

Turns a serializable/deserializable struct into a microrm entity model.

Marks a struct or enum as able to be directly used in an Entity to correspond to a single database column.