initSidebarItems({"enum":[["Error","An error produced during parsing or evaluation."],["FuncEvalError","Function evaluation error."]],"fn":[["builtin","Returns the built-in constants and functions in a form that can be used as a `Context`."],["eval_str","Evaluates a string with built-in constants."],["eval_str_with_context","Evaluates a string with the given context."]],"mod":[["shunting_yard","Implementation of the shunting-yard algorithm for converting an infix expression to an expression in reverse Polish notation (RPN)."],["tokenizer","Tokenizer that converts a mathematical expression in a string form into a series of `Token`s."]],"struct":[["Builtins","Built-in functions and constants."],["CustomFunc","A custom function of one variable."],["CustomFunc2","A custom function of two variables."],["CustomFunc3","A custom function of three variables."],["CustomFuncN","A custom function of N variables."],["Expr","Representation of a parsed expression."]],"trait":[["Context","Values of variables (and constants) and custom functions for substitution into an evaluated expression."]]});