Macro metro_m4::periph_alias

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macro_rules! periph_alias {
    ($peripherals:ident . spi_sercom) => { ... };
    ($peripherals:ident . uart_sercom) => { ... };
    ($peripherals:ident . i2c_sercom) => { ... };
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Refer to fields of the Peripherals struct by alternate names

This macro can be used to access fields of the Peripherals struct by alternate names. The available aliases are:

  • SERCOM2 can be refered to with the type alias SpiSercom and accessed as the field name spi_sercom
  • SERCOM3 can be refered to with the type alias UartSercom and accessed as the field name uart_sercom
  • SERCOM5 can be refered to with the type alias I2cSercom and accessed as the field name i2c_sercom

For example. suppose display_spi were an alternate name for the SERCOM4 peripheral. You could use the periph_alias! macro to access it like this:

let mut peripherals = pac::Peripherals::take().unwrap();
// Replace this
let display_spi = peripherals.SERCOM4;
// With this
let display_spi = periph_alias!(peripherals.display_spi);