Expand description

A simple interface for reporting metrics data to NewRelic.

We have a number of limitations:

  • We do not provide any automatic way to submitted data on a scheduled interval.
  • We may or may not support histogram! as a NewRelic summary metric. We do send the data. But it doesn’t show up and it doesn’t report errors in NrIntegrationError.
  • We always report all metrics that we’ve ever seen. We could stop reporting stale metrics if we figured out [metrics_util::Recency].

Example code

use metrics_exporter_newrelic::NewRelicBuilder;

// Create and install our metrics reporter.
let handle = NewRelicBuilder::new("my-api-key")
    .add_global_label("host.name", "server1.example.com")

// Report metrics to NewRelic whenever you want.


Builder for creating and installing a NewRelicRecoder and exporter.
A handle to a NewRelicRecorder. You can use this to access certain features of the recorder after installing it.
A metrics recorder that reports to NewRelic.


An error occurred building or installing our metrics recorder.