Crate metamorphose

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For converting structure to green-barrel model.


Basic Example

Model parameters

( all parameters are optional )

db_query_docs_limit1000limiting query results.
is_add_doctrueCreate documents in the database. false - Alternatively, use it to validate data from web forms.
is_up_doctrueUpdate documents in the database.
is_del_doctrueDelete documents from the database.
ignore_fieldsempty stringFields that are not included in the database (separated by commas).
is_use_add_validfalseAllows additional validation - impl AdditionalValidation for ModelName.
is_use_hooksfalseAllows hooks methods - impl Hooks for ModelName.

Attribute Macros

Macro for converting Structure to green-barrel Model. The model can access the database. The model can create, update, and delete documents in collections.