Attribute Macro metamorphose::Model

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Macro for converting Structure to mango-orm Model. The model can access the database. The model can create, update, and delete documents in collections.


use mango_orm::*;
use metamorphose::Model;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};

// Get settings of service/sub-application.
use crate::settings::{

    is_del_docs = false,
    ignore_fields = "confirm_password"
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Default, Debug)]
pub struct AdminProfile {
       widget = "inputText",
       label = "Username",
       placeholder = "Enter your username",
       unique = true,
       required = true,
       maxlength = 150,
       hint = "Valid characters: a-z A-Z 0-9 _ @ + .<br>Max size: 150"
   pub username: Option<String>,
       widget = "inputSlug",
       label = "Slug",
       unique = true,
       readonly = true,
       is_hide = true,
       hint = "To create a human readable url",
       slug_sources = r#"["hash", "username"]"#
   pub slug: Option<String>,
       widget = "inputText",
       label = "First name",
       placeholder = "Enter your First name",
       maxlength = 150
   pub first_name: Option<String>,
       widget = "inputText",
       label = "Last name",
       placeholder = "Enter your Last name",
       maxlength = 150
   pub last_name: Option<String>,
       widget = "inputEmail",
       label = "E-mail",
       placeholder = "Please enter your email",
       required = true,
       unique = true,
       maxlength = 320,
       hint = "Your actual E-mail"
   pub email: Option<String>,
       widget = "inputPhone",
       label = "Phone number",
       placeholder = "Please enter your phone number",
       unique = true,
       maxlength = 30,
       hint = "Your actual phone number"
   pub phone: Option<String>,
       widget = "inputPassword",
       label = "Password",
       placeholder = "Enter your password",
       required = true,
       minlength = 8,
       hint = "Valid characters: a-z A-Z 0-9 @ # $ % ^ & + = * ! ~ ) (<br>Min size: 8"
   pub password: Option<String>,
       widget = "inputPassword",
       label = "Confirm password",
       placeholder = "Repeat your password",
       required = true,
       minlength = 8,
       hint = "Repeat your password"
   pub confirm_password: Option<String>,
       widget = "checkBox",
       label = "is staff?",
       hint = "User can access the admin site?"
   pub is_staff: Option<bool>,
       widget = "checkBox",
       label = "is active?",
       hint = "Is this an active account?"
   pub is_active: Option<bool>,