This is supported on crate feature parallel only.
Expand description

The re-export of rayon items. Rayon’s prelude is in utility::prelude.

  • spawn is a function sends a sub-task to the background and does not care about its return, so this function will not block the current thread, same as the std::thread::spawn but it still managed by rayon thread-pool. This function requires a static lifetime.
  • scope is the function runs a local callable with return value, and there is a Scope object lets multiple callables join at this function. So this function will wait all subtasks to return, which will block the current thread. This function can be passed by reference.

The following example shows a block-on model that creates a simple fork-join structure.

use metaheuristics_nature::{rayon::scope, Rga, Solver};

scope(|s| {
    // Fork here
    // Task 1
    s.spawn(|_| {
        let s = Solver::build(Rga::default())
            .task(|ctx| ctx.gen == 20)
        /* ... */
    // Task 2
    s.spawn(|_| ());
    // Join here (then return)

First-in-First-out (FIFO)

Rayon’s thread-pool is last-in-first-out (LIFO), when the number of tasks becomes greater in a short time, it means that the subtask order is upside-down. If you want to keep the sending order, please use the FIFO version.


pub use rayon::*;