Module meshx::mesh

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  • PointCloud module. Describes a point cloud data structure and possible operations on it. This is just a collection of points, onto which you may attach arbitrary application specific attributes.
  • Polymesh module. This module defines a mesh data structure cunstructed from unstructured polygons of variable size.
  • Macro to implement constant size slice iterator. This can be used to create an iterator over cells of size 4 for instance like in TetMesh.
  • This module implements the transform ops from meshx::ops::transform for common meshes.
  • Unstructured mesh module.
  • This module defines the VertexPositions trait, which defines a core intrinsic attribute for most standard meshes.


  • VertexMesh is a marker trait to allow user code to be generic over vertex centric meshes with intrinsic vertex positions attributes.