pub trait FlowIters: Iterator {
    fn double_buffered_map<FI, FO, B, C>(
        fi: FI,
        fo: FO
    ) -> DoubleBufferedMapIterator<Self, FI, FO, B, C>
        Self: Sized,
        FI: FnMut(Self::Item) -> (bool, B),
        FO: FnMut(&mut VecDeque<B>, &mut VecDeque<C>)
, { ... }
fn double_peekable(self) -> DoublePeekingIterator<Self>Notable traits for DoublePeekingIterator<I>impl<I> Iterator for DoublePeekingIterator<I> where
    I: Iterator
type Item = I::Item;

        Self: Sized
, { ... } }

Provided methods

Split an iterator to chunks, process them, and produce another iterator back

Yield chunks that are as long as determined by the first predicate FI: FnMut(Self::Item) -> (bool, B). Pass that chunk to the second predicate FO: FnMut(&mut VecType<B>, &mut VecType<C>) as a &mut VecType<B>, where it can be processed into the output &mut VecType<C>, which is then used to retrieve individual elements.

The first predicate has a return type (bool, B), where bool == false indicates that the element is the last element of the current chunk, and B is the type that element of type A gets mapped to.

Output iterator element type is C, which is determined by the second predicate FO.

Buffering and mapping (thus, both predicates) get invoked only once the output VecType<C> becomes empty.

Note: For maximum flexibility, the implementation does not clear VecType<B> after it gets passed to FO. FO needs to clear the buffer on its own when iterating Copy types

Create an iterator that allows to peek 2 elements at a time

Provides double_peek, and is_next_last methods on an iterator. 2 elements get consumed by the iterator.
