Module memedb_core::isobmff

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ISO Base Media File Format

ISOBMFF data is organized in boxes. Each box is structured as follows:

  • 4 byte big-endian number describing the length of the data within.
  • 4 byte identifier for the box type.
  • if the size is 1, then the size is actually stored in the next 8 bytes.
  • if the size is 0, then the box lasts until the end of the file.
  • if the type is uuid, then the box type is actually stored in the next 12 bytes.
  • The box data itself, which may consist of other boxes.

An ISOBMFF file consists of a series of boxes, the first of which must be of the type ftyp.

MemeDB stores its tags in a uuid box with the UUID 12EBC64DEA6247A08E92B9FB3B518C28. The box is placed at the end of the file since boxes can reference data via byte offset.


  • Given a src, return the tags contained inside.
  • Read data from src, set the provided tags, and write to dest.