[][src]Module melange::backprop

backprop extends the tensor module with the concept of variables that are structs containing a value tensor, an option for a gradient tensor and a move closure that keeps track of the operands that created the value and backpropagates the gradient.

Most of the operations available on tensors and that are differentiable are implemented on variables with the appropriate backprop closure. However, unlike with tensors, variable operations move their operands which is a way to ensure that variable are correctly used and allows to overload common operators.

Under the hood, variables are a combination of Rc and RefCell that allow mutable reference which fundamental to construct acyclic computation graphs. Because operations on variables utilise the move mechanism, creating cycles becomes harder and the user is forced to explicitly clone the Rc to use it twice. Variables automatically dereference to their inner Rc for ease of use.

Variables can retain or not their gradient during backpropagation in order to save memory. Gradient retention is determined at the creation of the varaible. Backpropagation closure make extensive use of in-place operations in order to reduce the memory footprint. This unfortunately means that Melange is not able to compute second higher order derivatives yet.

Note that Variable has generic the type parameters Cback, Lback and Pback that correspond to the transpose policy, layout and allocation policy of the backpropagated gradient. Those parameters cannot be inferred by the compiler unless the computation graph is complete and a backpropagation is performed.



core_ops contains basic mathematical operations at the variable level that rely on the implementation of the tensor module.


reductions contains reduction operations at the variable level that rely on the implementation of the tensor module.
