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use smallvec::SmallVec;
use crate::{Profiler, StringComponent, StringId};
/// Event IDs are strings conforming to the following grammar:
/// ```ignore
/// <event_id> = <label> {<argument>}
/// <label> = <text>
/// <argument> = '\x1E' <text>
/// <text> = regex([[[:^cntrl:]][[:space:]]]+) // Anything but ASCII control characters except for whitespace.
/// ```
/// This means there's always a "label", followed by an optional list of
/// arguments. Future versions may support other optional suffixes (with a tag
/// other than '\x11' after the '\x1E' separator), such as a "category".
/// The byte used to separate arguments from the label and each other.
pub const SEPARATOR_BYTE: &str = "\x1E";
/// An `EventId` is a `StringId` with the additional guarantee that the
/// corresponding string conforms to the event_id grammar.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Eq, PartialEq, Hash, Debug)]
pub struct EventId(StringId);
impl EventId {
pub const INVALID: EventId = EventId(StringId::INVALID);
pub fn to_string_id(self) -> StringId {
pub fn as_u64(self) -> u64 {
pub fn from_label(label: StringId) -> Self {
pub fn from_virtual(virtual_id: StringId) -> Self {
/// Create an EventId from a raw u64 value. Only used internally for
/// deserialization.
pub fn from_u64(raw_id: u64) -> Self {
pub struct EventIdBuilder<'p> {
profiler: &'p Profiler,
impl<'p> EventIdBuilder<'p> {
pub fn new(profiler: &Profiler) -> EventIdBuilder<'_> {
EventIdBuilder { profiler }
pub fn from_label(&self, label: StringId) -> EventId {
// Just forward the string ID, a single identifier is a valid event_id
pub fn from_label_and_arg(&self, label: StringId, arg: StringId) -> EventId {
// Label
// Seperator and start tag for arg
// Arg string id
pub fn from_label_and_args(&self, label: StringId, args: &[StringId]) -> EventId {
// Store up to 7 components on the stack: 1 label + 3 arguments + 3 argument separators
let mut parts = SmallVec::<[StringComponent<'_>; 7]>::with_capacity(1 + args.len() * 2);
for arg in args {