Expand description
A library to fetch some information from MCPE (MCBE actually) over raknet.
- Motd
Error - Custom error type.
- Server
IdString Parsed - Parsed server id string. Be careful, if server id string is invalid (e.g. has fewer fields), lib will (at least try to) add default ones. However, there is UnconnectedPong struct with server_id_string_parsed_ok field.
- Unconnected
Pong - Parsed RakNet unconnected pong packet. Has more information than ServerIdStringParsed. Unlike ServerIdStringParsed, using UnconnectedPong you can check if server id string was parsed correctly (without adding default ones).
- Motd
Error Code - Enumerates the possible errors you can get.
- fetch_
server_ id_ string - Returns parsed server id string or error explaining why it wasn’t parsed.
- fetch_
unconected_ pong - Returns parsed RakNet unconnected pong packet or error explaining why packet wasn’t parsed.