Crate maybenot

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Maybenot is a framework for traffic analysis defenses that hide patterns in encrypted communication.

Consider encrypted communication protocols such as QUIC, TLS, Tor, and WireGuard. While the connections are encrypted, patterns in the encrypted communication may still leak information about the underlying plaintext despite being encrypted. Maybenot is a framework for creating and executing defenses that hide such patterns. Defenses are implemented as probabilistic state machines.

If you want to use Maybenot, see the below example and Framework for details. As a user, that is typically all that you need and the other modules can be ignored. Note that you create an existing Machine (for use with the Framework) using the core::str::FromStr trait.

If you want to build machines for the Framework, take a look at all the modules. For top-down, start with the Machine type. For bottom-up, start with dist, event, action, and counter before state and finally Machine.

§Example usage

use maybenot::{Framework, Machine, TriggerAction, TriggerEvent};
use std::{str::FromStr, time::Instant};
// This is a large example usage of the Maybenot framework. Some parts
// are a bit odd due to avoiding everything async but should convey the
// general idea.

// Parse machine, this is a "no-op" machine that does nothing.
// Typically, you should expect to get one or more serialized machines,
// not build them from scratch. The framework takes a vector with zero
// or more machines as input when created. To add or remove a machine,
// just recreate the framework. If you expect to create many instances
// of the framework for the same machines, then share the same vector
// across framework instances. All runtime information is allocated
// internally in the framework without modifying the machines.
let s = "02eNpjYEAHjOgCAAA0AAI=";
// machines will error if invalid
let m = vec![Machine::from_str(s).unwrap()];

// You create the framework, a lightweight operation, with the following
// parameters:
// - A vector of zero or more machines.
// - Max fractions prevent machines from causing too much overhead: note
// that machines can be defined to be allowed a fixed amount of
// padding/blocking, bypassing these limits until having used up their
// allowed budgets. This means that it is possible to create machines
// that trigger actions to block outgoing traffic indefinitely and/or
// send a lot of outgoing traffic.
// - The current time. For normal use, just provide the current time as
// below. This is exposed mainly for testing purposes (can also be used
// to make the creation of some odd types of machines easier).
// - A random number generator. Typically, this should be a secure
// The framework validates all machines (like ::From_str() above) and
// verifies that the fractions are fractions, so it can return an error.
let mut f = Framework::new(&m, 0.0, 0.0, Instant::now(), rand::thread_rng()).unwrap();

// Below is the main loop for operating the framework. This should run
// for as long as the underlying connection the framework is attached to
// can communicate (user or protocol-specific data, depending on what is
// being defended).
loop {
    // Wait for one or more new events (e.g., on a channel) that should
    // be triggered in the framework. Below we just set one example
    // event. How you wait and collect events is likely going to be a
    // bottleneck. If you have to consider dropping events, it is better
    // to drop older events than newer. Ideally, it should be possible
    // to process all events one-by-one.
    let events = [TriggerEvent::NormalSent];

    // Trigger the event(s) in the framework. This takes linear time
    // with the number of events but is very fast (time should be
    // dominated by a few calls to sample randomness per event per
    // machine).
    for action in f.trigger_events(&events, Instant::now()) {
        // After triggering all the events, the framework will provide
        // zero or more actions to take, up to a maximum of one action
        // per machine (regardless of the number of events). It is your
        // responsibility to perform those actions according to the
        // specification. To do so, you will need two timers per
        // machine: an action timer (for action timeouts) and an
        // internal timer (part of the machine's internal logic). The
        // machine identifier (machine in each TriggerAction) uniquely
        // and deterministically maps to a single machine running in the
        // framework, so it is suitable as a key for a data structure
        // storing your timers per framework instance, e.g.,
        // HashMap<MachineId, (SomeTimerDataStructure,
        // SomeTimerDataStructure)>).
        match action {
            TriggerAction::Cancel {
                machine: _,
                timer: _,
            } => {
                // Cancel the specified timer (action, internal, or
                // both) for the machine in question.
            TriggerAction::SendPadding {
                timeout: _,
                bypass: _,
                replace: _,
                machine: _,
            } => {
                // Set the action timer with the specified timeout. On
                // expiry, do the following:
                // 1. Send a padding packet.
                // 2. Trigger TriggerEvent::PaddingSent { machine:
                //    machine }.
                // If bypass is true, then the padding MUST be sent even
                // if there is active blocking of outgoing traffic AND
                // the active blocking had the bypass flag set. If the
                // active blocking had bypass set to false, then the
                // padding MUST NOT be sent. This is to support
                // completely fail-closed defenses.
                // If replace is true, then the padding MAY be replaced
                // by another packet. The other packet could be an
                // encrypted packet already queued but not already sent
                // in the tunnel, containing either padding or normal
                // data (ideally, the user of the framework cannot tell,
                // because encrypted). The other data could also be
                // normal data about to be turned into a normal packet
                // and sent. Regardless of if the padding is replaced or
                // not, the event should still be triggered (steps 2).
                // If enqueued normal data sent instead of padding, then
                // the NormalSent event should be triggered as well.
                // Above, note the use case of having bypass and replace
                // set to true. This is to support constant-rate
                // defenses.
                // Also, note that if there already is an action timer
                // for an earlier action for the machine in question,
                // overwrite it with the new timer. This will happen
                // very frequently so make effort to make it efficient
                // (typically, efficient machines will always have
                // something scheduled but try to minimize actual
                // padding sent).
            TriggerAction::BlockOutgoing {
                timeout: _,
                duration: _,
                bypass: _,
                replace: _,
                machine: _,
            } => {
                // Set an action timer with the specified timeout,
                // overwriting any existing action timer for the machine
                // (be it to block or to send padding). On expiry, do
                // the following (all or nothing):
                // 1. If no blocking is currently taking place (globally
                //    across all machines, so for this instance of the
                //    framework), start blocking all outgoing traffic
                //    for the specified duration. If blocking is already
                //    taking place (due to any machine), there are two
                //    cases. If replace is true, replace the existing
                //    blocking duration with the specified duration in
                //    this action. If replace is false, pick the longest
                //    duration of the specified duration and the
                //    *remaining* duration to block already in place.
                // 2. Trigger TriggerEvent::BlockingBegin { machine:
                //    machine } regardless of logic outcome in 1. (From
                //    the point of view of the machine, blocking is now
                //    taking place).
                // Note that blocking is global across all machines,
                // since the intent is to block all outgoing traffic.
                // Further, you MUST ensure that when blocking ends, you
                // trigger TriggerEvent::BlockingEnd.
                // If bypass is true and blocking was activated,
                // extended, or replaced in step 1, then a bypass flag
                // MUST be set and be available to check as part of
                // dealing with TriggerAction::SendPadding actions (see
                // above).
            TriggerAction::UpdateTimer {
                duration: _,
                replace: _,
                machine: _,
            } => {
                // If the replace flag is true, overwrite the machine's
                // internal timer with the specified duration. If
                // replace is false, use the longest of the remaining
                // and specified durations.
                // Regardless of the outcome of the preceding logic,
                // trigger TriggerEvent::TimerBegin { machine: machine
                // }.
                // Trigger TriggerEvent::TimerEnd { machine: machine }
                // when the timer expires.

    // All done, continue the loop. We break below for the example test
    // to not get stuck.




  • An instance of the Maybenot framework.
  • A probabilistic state machine (Rabin automaton) consisting of one or more State that determine when to inject and/or block outgoing traffic.
  • An opaque token representing one machine running inside the framework.


  • Specific error types Maybenot.