Expand description

A channel which may or may not be async.

This crate is an experimental desugaring of what actual “maybe-async” syntax might look like.

Syntactic Sugar

We can imagine this crate would act as a desugaring for the following:

pub ?async fn bounded(cap: usize) -> (?async Sender<T>, ?async Receiver<T>);
pub ?async fn unbounded() -> (?async Sender<T>, ?async Receiver<T>);

pub ?async struct Sender<T>;
impl<T> ?async Sender<T> {
    ?async fn send(&self, msg: T) -> Result<(), SendError>;

pub ?async struct Receiver<T>;
impl<T> ?async Receiver<T> {
    ?async fn recv(&self) -> Result<T, RecvError>;


A crate of helpers to create “maybe-async” types and traits.


The Receiving side of a channel.
The sending side of a channel.


Creates a bounded channel.
Creates an unbounded channel.