Module mavlink::common

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  • id: 140 Set the vehicle attitude and body angular rates..
  • id: 375 The raw values of the actuator outputs (e.g. on Pixhawk, from MAIN, AUX ports). This message supersedes SERVO_OUTPUT_RAW..
  • id: 246 The location and information of an ADSB vehicle.
  • id: 301 The location and information of an AIS vessel.
  • id: 141 The current system altitude..
  • id: 30 The attitude in the aeronautical frame (right-handed, Z-down, X-front, Y-right)..
  • id: 61 The attitude in the aeronautical frame (right-handed, Z-down, X-front, Y-right), expressed as quaternion. Quaternion order is w, x, y, z and a zero rotation would be expressed as (1 0 0 0)..
  • id: 31 The attitude in the aeronautical frame (right-handed, Z-down, X-front, Y-right), expressed as quaternion. Quaternion order is w, x, y, z and a zero rotation would be expressed as (1 0 0 0)..
  • id: 83 Reports the current commanded attitude of the vehicle as specified by the autopilot. This should match the commands sent in a SET_ATTITUDE_TARGET message if the vehicle is being controlled this way..
  • id: 138 Motion capture attitude and position.
  • id: 7 Emit an encrypted signature / key identifying this system. PLEASE NOTE: This protocol has been kept simple, so transmitting the key requires an encrypted channel for true safety..
  • id: 286 Low level message containing autopilot state relevant for a gimbal device. This message is to be sent from the gimbal manager to the gimbal device component. The data of this message server for the gimbal’s estimator corrections in particular horizon compensation, as well as the autopilot’s control intention e.g. feed forward angular control in z-axis..
  • id: 148 Version and capability of autopilot software. This should be emitted in response to a request with MAV_CMD_REQUEST_MESSAGE..
  • These flags indicate status such as data validity of each data source. Set = data valid
  • These flags are used in the AIS_VESSEL.fields bitmask to indicate validity of data in the other message fields. When set, the data is valid.
  • id: 147 Battery information. Updates GCS with flight controller battery status. Use SMART_BATTERY_* messages instead for smart batteries..
  • id: 257 Report button state change..
  • id: 262 Information about the status of a capture. Can be requested with a MAV_CMD_REQUEST_MESSAGE command..
  • id: 263 Information about a captured image. This is emitted every time a message is captured. It may be re-requested using MAV_CMD_REQUEST_MESSAGE, using param2 to indicate the sequence number for the missing image..
  • id: 259 Information about a camera. Can be requested with a MAV_CMD_REQUEST_MESSAGE command..
  • id: 260 Settings of a camera. Can be requested with a MAV_CMD_REQUEST_MESSAGE command..
  • id: 112 Camera-IMU triggering and synchronisation message..
  • id: 336 Configure cellular modems. This message is re-emitted as an acknowledgement by the modem. The message may also be explicitly requested using MAV_CMD_REQUEST_MESSAGE..
  • id: 334 Report current used cellular network status.
  • id: 6 Accept / deny control of this MAV.
  • id: 5 Request to control this MAV.
  • id: 247 Information about a potential collision.
  • id: 77 Report status of a command. Includes feedback whether the command was executed. The command microservice is documented at
  • id: 80 Cancel a long running command. The target system should respond with a COMMAND_ACK to the original command with result=MAV_RESULT_CANCELLED if the long running process was cancelled. If it has already completed, the cancel action can be ignored. The cancel action can be retried until some sort of acknowledgement to the original command has been received. The command microservice is documented at
  • id: 75 Message encoding a command with parameters as scaled integers. Scaling depends on the actual command value. The command microservice is documented at
  • id: 76 Send a command with up to seven parameters to the MAV. The command microservice is documented at
  • id: 395 Information about a component. For camera components instead use CAMERA_INFORMATION, and for autopilots use AUTOPILOT_VERSION. Components including GCSes should consider supporting requests of this message via MAV_CMD_REQUEST_MESSAGE..
  • id: 146 The smoothed, monotonic system state used to feed the control loops of the system..
  • Camera capability flags (Bitmap)
  • id: 67 Data stream status information..
  • id: 130 Handshake message to initiate, control and stop image streaming when using the Image Transmission Protocol:
  • id: 254 Send a debug value. The index is used to discriminate between values. These values show up in the plot of QGroundControl as DEBUG N..
  • id: 350 Large debug/prototyping array. The message uses the maximum available payload for data. The array_id and name fields are used to discriminate between messages in code and in user interfaces (respectively). Do not use in production code..
  • id: 250 To debug something using a named 3D vector..
  • id: 132 Distance sensor information for an onboard rangefinder..
  • id: 131 Data packet for images sent using the Image Transmission Protocol:
  • id: 230 Estimator status message including flags, innovation test ratios and estimated accuracies. The flags message is an integer bitmask containing information on which EKF outputs are valid. See the ESTIMATOR_STATUS_FLAGS enum definition for further information. The innovation test ratios show the magnitude of the sensor innovation divided by the innovation check threshold. Under normal operation the innovation test ratios should be below 0.5 with occasional values up to 1.0. Values greater than 1.0 should be rare under normal operation and indicate that a measurement has been rejected by the filter. The user should be notified if an innovation test ratio greater than 1.0 is recorded. Notifications for values in the range between 0.5 and 1.0 should be optional and controllable by the user..
  • id: 245 Provides state for additional features.
  • Flags in ESTIMATOR_STATUS message
  • id: 162 Status of geo-fencing. Sent in extended status stream when fencing enabled..
  • id: 110 File transfer message.
  • id: 264 Information about flight since last arming..
  • id: 144 Current motion information from a designated system.
  • id: 373 Telemetry of power generation system. Alternator or mechanical generator..
  • id: 285 Message reporting the status of a gimbal device. This message should be broadcasted by a gimbal device component. The angles encoded in the quaternion are in the global frame (roll: positive is tilt to the right, pitch: positive is tilting up, yaw is turn to the right). This message should be broadcast at a low regular rate (e.g. 10Hz)..
  • id: 283 Information about a low level gimbal. This message should be requested by the gimbal manager or a ground station using MAV_CMD_REQUEST_MESSAGE..
  • id: 284 Low level message to control a gimbal device’s attitude. This message is to be sent from the gimbal manager to the gimbal device component. Angles and rates can be set to NaN according to use case..
  • id: 280 Information about a high level gimbal manager. This message should be requested by a ground station using MAV_CMD_REQUEST_MESSAGE..
  • id: 282 High level message to control a gimbal’s attitude. This message is to be sent to the gimbal manager (e.g. from a ground station). Angles and rates can be set to NaN according to use case..
  • id: 287 High level message to control a gimbal’s tilt and pan angles. This message is to be sent to the gimbal manager (e.g. from a ground station). Angles and rates can be set to NaN according to use case..
  • id: 281 Current status about a high level gimbal manager. This message should be broadcast at a low regular rate (e.g. 5Hz)..
  • id: 63 The filtered global position (e.g. fused GPS and accelerometers). The position is in GPS-frame (right-handed, Z-up). It is designed as scaled integer message since the resolution of float is not sufficient. NOTE: This message is intended for onboard networks / companion computers and higher-bandwidth links and optimized for accuracy and completeness. Please use the GLOBAL_POSITION_INT message for a minimal subset..
  • id: 33 The filtered global position (e.g. fused GPS and accelerometers). The position is in GPS-frame (right-handed, Z-up). It is designed as scaled integer message since the resolution of float is not sufficient..
  • id: 101 Global position/attitude estimate from a vision source..
  • id: 124 Second GPS data..
  • id: 128 RTK GPS data. Gives information on the relative baseline calculation the GPS is reporting.
  • id: 49 Publishes the GPS co-ordinates of the vehicle local origin (0,0,0) position. Emitted whenever a new GPS-Local position mapping is requested or set - e.g. following SET_GPS_GLOBAL_ORIGIN message..
  • id: 123 Data for injecting into the onboard GPS (used for DGPS).
  • id: 232 GPS sensor input message. This is a raw sensor value sent by the GPS. This is NOT the global position estimate of the system..
  • id: 24 The global position, as returned by the Global Positioning System (GPS). This is NOT the global position estimate of the system, but rather a RAW sensor value. See message GLOBAL_POSITION for the global position estimate..
  • id: 233 RTCM message for injecting into the onboard GPS (used for DGPS).
  • id: 127 RTK GPS data. Gives information on the relative baseline calculation the GPS is reporting.
  • id: 25 The positioning status, as reported by GPS. This message is intended to display status information about each satellite visible to the receiver. See message GLOBAL_POSITION for the global position estimate. This message can contain information for up to 20 satellites..
  • Gimbal device (low level) capability flags (bitmap)
  • Gimbal device (low level) error flags (bitmap, 0 means no error)
  • Gimbal manager high level capability flags (bitmap). The first 16 bits are identical to the GIMBAL_DEVICE_CAP_FLAGS which are identical with GIMBAL_DEVICE_FLAGS. However, the gimbal manager does not need to copy the flags from the gimbal but can also enhance the capabilities and thus add flags.
  • id: 0 The heartbeat message shows that a system or component is present and responding. The type and autopilot fields (along with the message component id), allow the receiving system to treat further messages from this system appropriately (e.g. by laying out the user interface based on the autopilot). This microservice is documented at
  • id: 105 The IMU readings in SI units in NED body frame.
  • id: 235 Message appropriate for high latency connections like Iridium (version 2).
  • id: 234 Message appropriate for high latency connections like Iridium.
  • id: 93 Sent from autopilot to simulation. Hardware in the loop control outputs (replacement for HIL_CONTROLS).
  • id: 91 Sent from autopilot to simulation. Hardware in the loop control outputs.
  • id: 113 The global position, as returned by the Global Positioning System (GPS). This is NOT the global position estimate of the sytem, but rather a RAW sensor value. See message GLOBAL_POSITION for the global position estimate..
  • id: 114 Simulated optical flow from a flow sensor (e.g. PX4FLOW or optical mouse sensor).
  • id: 92 Sent from simulation to autopilot. The RAW values of the RC channels received. The standard PPM modulation is as follows: 1000 microseconds: 0%, 2000 microseconds: 100%. Individual receivers/transmitters might violate this specification..
  • id: 107 The IMU readings in SI units in NED body frame.
  • id: 90 Sent from simulation to autopilot. This packet is useful for high throughput applications such as hardware in the loop simulations..
  • id: 115 Sent from simulation to autopilot, avoids in contrast to HIL_STATE singularities. This packet is useful for high throughput applications such as hardware in the loop simulations..
  • id: 242 This message can be requested by sending the MAV_CMD_GET_HOME_POSITION command. The position the system will return to and land on. The position is set automatically by the system during the takeoff in case it was not explicitly set by the operator before or after. The global and local positions encode the position in the respective coordinate frames, while the q parameter encodes the orientation of the surface. Under normal conditions it describes the heading and terrain slope, which can be used by the aircraft to adjust the approach. The approach 3D vector describes the point to which the system should fly in normal flight mode and then perform a landing sequence along the vector..
  • Flags to report failure cases over the high latency telemtry.
  • id: 335 Status of the Iridium SBD link..
  • id: 149 The location of a landing target. See:
  • id: 8 Status generated in each node in the communication chain and injected into MAVLink stream..
  • id: 64 The filtered local position (e.g. fused computer vision and accelerometers). Coordinate frame is right-handed, Z-axis down (aeronautical frame, NED / north-east-down convention).
  • id: 32 The filtered local position (e.g. fused computer vision and accelerometers). Coordinate frame is right-handed, Z-axis down (aeronautical frame, NED / north-east-down convention).
  • id: 89 The offset in X, Y, Z and yaw between the LOCAL_POSITION_NED messages of MAV X and the global coordinate frame in NED coordinates. Coordinate frame is right-handed, Z-axis down (aeronautical frame, NED / north-east-down convention).
  • id: 268 An ack for a LOGGING_DATA_ACKED message.
  • id: 267 A message containing logged data which requires a LOGGING_ACK to be sent back.
  • id: 266 A message containing logged data (see also MAV_CMD_LOGGING_START).
  • id: 120 Reply to LOG_REQUEST_DATA.
  • id: 118 Reply to LOG_REQUEST_LIST.
  • id: 121 Erase all logs.
  • id: 119 Request a chunk of a log.
  • id: 122 Stop log transfer and resume normal logging.
  • id: 117 Request a list of available logs. On some systems calling this may stop on-board logging until LOG_REQUEST_END is called. If there are no log files available this request shall be answered with one LOG_ENTRY message with id = 0 and num_logs = 0..
  • id: 69 This message provides an API for manually controlling the vehicle using standard joystick axes nomenclature, along with a joystick-like input device. Unused axes can be disabled and buttons states are transmitted as individual on/off bits of a bitmask.
  • id: 81 Setpoint in roll, pitch, yaw and thrust from the operator.
  • id: 249 Send raw controller memory. The use of this message is discouraged for normal packets, but a quite efficient way for testing new messages and getting experimental debug output..
  • id: 244 The interval between messages for a particular MAVLink message ID. This message is the response to the MAV_CMD_GET_MESSAGE_INTERVAL command. This interface replaces DATA_STREAM..
  • id: 47 Acknowledgment message during waypoint handling. The type field states if this message is a positive ack (type=0) or if an error happened (type=non-zero)..
  • id: 52 A broadcast message to notify any ground station or SDK if a mission, geofence or safe points have changed on the vehicle..
  • id: 45 Delete all mission items at once..
  • id: 44 This message is emitted as response to MISSION_REQUEST_LIST by the MAV and to initiate a write transaction. The GCS can then request the individual mission item based on the knowledge of the total number of waypoints..
  • id: 42 Message that announces the sequence number of the current active mission item. The MAV will fly towards this mission item..
  • id: 39 Message encoding a mission item. This message is emitted to announce the presence of a mission item and to set a mission item on the system. The mission item can be either in x, y, z meters (type: LOCAL) or x:lat, y:lon, z:altitude. Local frame is Z-down, right handed (NED), global frame is Z-up, right handed (ENU). NaN may be used to indicate an optional/default value (e.g. to use the system’s current latitude or yaw rather than a specific value). See also
  • id: 73 Message encoding a mission item. This message is emitted to announce the presence of a mission item and to set a mission item on the system. The mission item can be either in x, y, z meters (type: LOCAL) or x:lat, y:lon, z:altitude. Local frame is Z-down, right handed (NED), global frame is Z-up, right handed (ENU). NaN or INT32_MAX may be used in float/integer params (respectively) to indicate optional/default values (e.g. to use the component’s current latitude, yaw rather than a specific value). See also
  • id: 46 A certain mission item has been reached. The system will either hold this position (or circle on the orbit) or (if the autocontinue on the WP was set) continue to the next waypoint..
  • id: 40 Request the information of the mission item with the sequence number seq. The response of the system to this message should be a MISSION_ITEM message.
  • id: 51 Request the information of the mission item with the sequence number seq. The response of the system to this message should be a MISSION_ITEM_INT message.
  • id: 43 Request the overall list of mission items from the system/component..
  • id: 37 Request a partial list of mission items from the system/component. If start and end index are the same, just send one waypoint..
  • id: 41 Set the mission item with sequence number seq as current item. This means that the MAV will continue to this mission item on the shortest path (not following the mission items in-between)..
  • id: 38 This message is sent to the MAV to write a partial list. If start index == end index, only one item will be transmitted / updated. If the start index is NOT 0 and above the current list size, this request should be REJECTED!.
  • id: 265 Orientation of a mount.
  • Flags to report status/failure cases for a power generator (used in GENERATOR_STATUS). Note that FAULTS are conditions that cause the generator to fail. Warnings are conditions that require attention before the next use (they indicate the system is not operating properly).
  • These flags encode the MAV mode.
  • Power supply status flags (bitmask)
  • Bitmask of (optional) autopilot capabilities (64 bit). If a bit is set, the autopilot supports this capability.
  • Smart battery supply status/fault flags (bitmask) for health indication.
  • These encode the sensors whose status is sent as part of the SYS_STATUS message.
  • id: 251 Send a key-value pair as float. The use of this message is discouraged for normal packets, but a quite efficient way for testing new messages and getting experimental debug output..
  • id: 252 Send a key-value pair as integer. The use of this message is discouraged for normal packets, but a quite efficient way for testing new messages and getting experimental debug output..
  • id: 62 The state of the fixed wing navigation and position controller..
  • id: 330 Obstacle distances in front of the sensor, starting from the left in increment degrees to the right.
  • id: 331 Odometry message to communicate odometry information with an external interface. Fits ROS REP 147 standard for aerial vehicles (
  • id: 390 Hardware status sent by an onboard computer..
  • id: 12902 Data for filling the OpenDroneID Authentication message. The Authentication Message defines a field that can provide a means of authenticity for the identity of the UAS (Unmanned Aircraft System). The Authentication message can have two different formats. Five data pages are supported. For data page 0, the fields PageCount, Length and TimeStamp are present and AuthData is only 17 bytes. For data page 1 through 4, PageCount, Length and TimeStamp are not present and the size of AuthData is 23 bytes..
  • id: 12900 Data for filling the OpenDroneID Basic ID message. This and the below messages are primarily meant for feeding data to/from an OpenDroneID implementation. E.g. These messages are compatible with the ASTM Remote ID standard at and the ASD-STAN Direct Remote ID standard. The usage of these messages is documented at
  • id: 12901 Data for filling the OpenDroneID Location message. The float data types are 32-bit IEEE 754. The Location message provides the location, altitude, direction and speed of the aircraft..
  • id: 12915 An OpenDroneID message pack is a container for multiple encoded OpenDroneID messages (i.e. not in the format given for the above messages descriptions but after encoding into the compressed OpenDroneID byte format). Used e.g. when transmitting on Bluetooth 5.0 Long Range/Extended Advertising or on WiFi Neighbor Aware Networking..
  • id: 12905 Data for filling the OpenDroneID Operator ID message, which contains the CAA (Civil Aviation Authority) issued operator ID..
  • id: 12903 Data for filling the OpenDroneID Self ID message. The Self ID Message is an opportunity for the operator to (optionally) declare their identity and purpose of the flight. This message can provide additional information that could reduce the threat profile of a UA (Unmanned Aircraft) flying in a particular area or manner..
  • id: 12904 Data for filling the OpenDroneID System message. The System Message contains general system information including the operator location and possible aircraft group information..
  • id: 100 Optical flow from a flow sensor (e.g. optical mouse sensor).
  • id: 106 Optical flow from an angular rate flow sensor (e.g. PX4FLOW or mouse sensor).
  • id: 360 Vehicle status report that is sent out while orbit execution is in progress (see MAV_CMD_DO_ORBIT)..
  • id: 324 Response from a PARAM_EXT_SET message..
  • id: 321 Request all parameters of this component. After this request, all parameters are emitted..
  • id: 320 Request to read the value of a parameter with the either the param_id string id or param_index..
  • id: 323 Set a parameter value. In order to deal with message loss (and retransmission of PARAM_EXT_SET), when setting a parameter value and the new value is the same as the current value, you will immediately get a PARAM_ACK_ACCEPTED response. If the current state is PARAM_ACK_IN_PROGRESS, you will accordingly receive a PARAM_ACK_IN_PROGRESS in response..
  • id: 322 Emit the value of a parameter. The inclusion of param_count and param_index in the message allows the recipient to keep track of received parameters and allows them to re-request missing parameters after a loss or timeout..
  • id: 50 Bind a RC channel to a parameter. The parameter should change according to the RC channel value..
  • id: 21 Request all parameters of this component. After this request, all parameters are emitted. The parameter microservice is documented at
  • id: 20 Request to read the onboard parameter with the param_id string id. Onboard parameters are stored as key[const char*] -> value[float]. This allows to send a parameter to any other component (such as the GCS) without the need of previous knowledge of possible parameter names. Thus the same GCS can store different parameters for different autopilots. See also for a full documentation of QGroundControl and IMU code..
  • id: 23 Set a parameter value (write new value to permanent storage). IMPORTANT: The receiving component should acknowledge the new parameter value by sending a PARAM_VALUE message to all communication partners. This will also ensure that multiple GCS all have an up-to-date list of all parameters. If the sending GCS did not receive a PARAM_VALUE message within its timeout time, it should re-send the PARAM_SET message. The parameter microservice is documented at
  • id: 22 Emit the value of a onboard parameter. The inclusion of param_count and param_index in the message allows the recipient to keep track of received parameters and allows him to re-request missing parameters after a loss or timeout. The parameter microservice is documented at
  • id: 4 A ping message either requesting or responding to a ping. This allows to measure the system latencies, including serial port, radio modem and UDP connections. The ping microservice is documented at
  • id: 258 Control vehicle tone generation (buzzer)..
  • id: 400 Play vehicle tone/tune (buzzer). Supersedes message PLAY_TUNE..
  • id: 87 Reports the current commanded vehicle position, velocity, and acceleration as specified by the autopilot. This should match the commands sent in SET_POSITION_TARGET_GLOBAL_INT if the vehicle is being controlled this way..
  • id: 85 Reports the current commanded vehicle position, velocity, and acceleration as specified by the autopilot. This should match the commands sent in SET_POSITION_TARGET_LOCAL_NED if the vehicle is being controlled this way..
  • id: 125 Power supply status.
  • id: 300 Version and capability of protocol version. This message can be requested with MAV_CMD_REQUEST_MESSAGE and is used as part of the handshaking to establish which MAVLink version should be used on the network. Every node should respond to a request for PROTOCOL_VERSION to enable the handshaking. Library implementers should consider adding this into the default decoding state machine to allow the protocol core to respond directly..
  • Bitmap to indicate which dimensions should be ignored by the vehicle: a value of 0b0000000000000000 or 0b0000001000000000 indicates that none of the setpoint dimensions should be ignored. If bit 9 is set the floats afx afy afz should be interpreted as force instead of acceleration.
  • id: 109 Status generated by radio and injected into MAVLink stream..
  • id: 27 The RAW IMU readings for a 9DOF sensor, which is identified by the id (default IMU1). This message should always contain the true raw values without any scaling to allow data capture and system debugging..
  • id: 28 The RAW pressure readings for the typical setup of one absolute pressure and one differential pressure sensor. The sensor values should be the raw, UNSCALED ADC values..
  • id: 339 RPM sensor data message..
  • id: 65 The PPM values of the RC channels received. The standard PPM modulation is as follows: 1000 microseconds: 0%, 2000 microseconds: 100%. A value of UINT16_MAX implies the channel is unused. Individual receivers/transmitters might violate this specification..
  • id: 70 The RAW values of the RC channels sent to the MAV to override info received from the RC radio. A value of UINT16_MAX means no change to that channel. A value of 0 means control of that channel should be released back to the RC radio. The standard PPM modulation is as follows: 1000 microseconds: 0%, 2000 microseconds: 100%. Individual receivers/transmitters might violate this specification..
  • id: 35 The RAW values of the RC channels received. The standard PPM modulation is as follows: 1000 microseconds: 0%, 2000 microseconds: 100%. A value of UINT16_MAX implies the channel is unused. Individual receivers/transmitters might violate this specification..
  • id: 34 The scaled values of the RC channels received: (-100%) -10000, (0%) 0, (100%) 10000. Channels that are inactive should be set to UINT16_MAX..
  • id: 66 Request a data stream..
  • id: 142 The autopilot is requesting a resource (file, binary, other type of data).
  • id: 55 Read out the safety zone the MAV currently assumes..
  • id: 54 Set a safety zone (volume), which is defined by two corners of a cube. This message can be used to tell the MAV which setpoints/waypoints to accept and which to reject. Safety areas are often enforced by national or competition regulations..
  • id: 116 The RAW IMU readings for secondary 9DOF sensor setup. This message should contain the scaled values to the described units.
  • id: 129 The RAW IMU readings for 3rd 9DOF sensor setup. This message should contain the scaled values to the described units.
  • id: 26 The RAW IMU readings for the usual 9DOF sensor setup. This message should contain the scaled values to the described units.
  • id: 137 Barometer readings for 2nd barometer.
  • id: 143 Barometer readings for 3rd barometer.
  • id: 29 The pressure readings for the typical setup of one absolute and differential pressure sensor. The units are as specified in each field..
  • id: 126 Control a serial port. This can be used for raw access to an onboard serial peripheral such as a GPS or telemetry radio. It is designed to make it possible to update the devices firmware via MAVLink messages or change the devices settings. A message with zero bytes can be used to change just the baudrate..
  • id: 36 Superseded by ACTUATOR_OUTPUT_STATUS. The RAW values of the servo outputs (for RC input from the remote, use the RC_CHANNELS messages). The standard PPM modulation is as follows: 1000 microseconds: 0%, 2000 microseconds: 100%..
  • id: 256 Setup a MAVLink2 signing key. If called with secret_key of all zero and zero initial_timestamp will disable signing.
  • id: 139 Set the vehicle attitude and body angular rates..
  • id: 82 Sets a desired vehicle attitude. Used by an external controller to command the vehicle (manual controller or other system)..
  • id: 48 Sets the GPS co-ordinates of the vehicle local origin (0,0,0) position. Vehicle should emit GPS_GLOBAL_ORIGIN irrespective of whether the origin is changed. This enables transform between the local coordinate frame and the global (GPS) coordinate frame, which may be necessary when (for example) indoor and outdoor settings are connected and the MAV should move from in- to outdoor..
  • id: 243 The position the system will return to and land on. The position is set automatically by the system during the takeoff in case it was not explicitly set by the operator before or after. The global and local positions encode the position in the respective coordinate frames, while the q parameter encodes the orientation of the surface. Under normal conditions it describes the heading and terrain slope, which can be used by the aircraft to adjust the approach. The approach 3D vector describes the point to which the system should fly in normal flight mode and then perform a landing sequence along the vector..
  • id: 11 Set the system mode, as defined by enum MAV_MODE. There is no target component id as the mode is by definition for the overall aircraft, not only for one component..
  • id: 86 Sets a desired vehicle position, velocity, and/or acceleration in a global coordinate system (WGS84). Used by an external controller to command the vehicle (manual controller or other system)..
  • id: 84 Sets a desired vehicle position in a local north-east-down coordinate frame. Used by an external controller to command the vehicle (manual controller or other system)..
  • id: 108 Status of simulation environment, if used.
  • id: 370 Smart Battery information (static/infrequent update). Use for updates from: smart battery to flight stack, flight stack to GCS. Use instead of BATTERY_STATUS for smart batteries..
  • id: 371 Smart Battery information (dynamic). Use for updates from: smart battery to flight stack, flight stack to GCS. Use instead of BATTERY_STATUS for smart batteries..
  • id: 253 Status text message. These messages are printed in yellow in the COMM console of QGroundControl. WARNING: They consume quite some bandwidth, so use only for important status and error messages. If implemented wisely, these messages are buffered on the MCU and sent only at a limited rate (e.g. 10 Hz)..
  • id: 261 Information about a storage medium. This message is sent in response to a request with MAV_CMD_REQUEST_MESSAGE and whenever the status of the storage changes (STORAGE_STATUS). Use MAV_CMD_REQUEST_MESSAGE.param2 to indicate the index/id of requested storage: 0 for all, 1 for first, 2 for second, etc..
  • id: 401 Tune formats supported by vehicle. This should be emitted as response to MAV_CMD_REQUEST_MESSAGE..
  • id: 2 The system time is the time of the master clock, typically the computer clock of the main onboard computer..
  • id: 1 The general system state. If the system is following the MAVLink standard, the system state is mainly defined by three orthogonal states/modes: The system mode, which is either LOCKED (motors shut down and locked), MANUAL (system under RC control), GUIDED (system with autonomous position control, position setpoint controlled manually) or AUTO (system guided by path/waypoint planner). The NAV_MODE defined the current flight state: LIFTOFF (often an open-loop maneuver), LANDING, WAYPOINTS or VECTOR. This represents the internal navigation state machine. The system status shows whether the system is currently active or not and if an emergency occurred. During the CRITICAL and EMERGENCY states the MAV is still considered to be active, but should start emergency procedures autonomously. After a failure occurred it should first move from active to critical to allow manual intervention and then move to emergency after a certain timeout..
  • SERIAL_CONTROL flags (bitmask)
  • id: 135 Request that the vehicle report terrain height at the given location. Used by GCS to check if vehicle has all terrain data needed for a mission..
  • id: 134 Terrain data sent from GCS. The lat/lon and grid_spacing must be the same as a lat/lon from a TERRAIN_REQUEST.
  • id: 136 Response from a TERRAIN_CHECK request.
  • id: 133 Request for terrain data and terrain status.
  • id: 111 Time synchronization message..
  • id: 380 Time/duration estimates for various events and actions given the current vehicle state and position..
  • id: 333 Describe a trajectory using an array of up-to 5 bezier control points in the local frame (MAV_FRAME_LOCAL_NED)..
  • id: 332 Describe a trajectory using an array of up-to 5 waypoints in the local frame (MAV_FRAME_LOCAL_NED)..
  • id: 385 Message for transporting “arbitrary” variable-length data from one component to another (broadcast is not forbidden, but discouraged). The encoding of the data is usually extension specific, i.e. determined by the source, and is usually not documented as part of the MAVLink specification..
  • Tune formats (used for vehicle buzzer/tone generation).
  • id: 311 General information describing a particular UAVCAN node. Please refer to the definition of the UAVCAN service “uavcan.protocol.GetNodeInfo” for the background information. This message should be emitted by the system whenever a new node appears online, or an existing node reboots. Additionally, it can be emitted upon request from the other end of the MAVLink channel (see MAV_CMD_UAVCAN_GET_NODE_INFO). It is also not prohibited to emit this message unconditionally at a low frequency. The UAVCAN specification is available at
  • id: 310 General status information of an UAVCAN node. Please refer to the definition of the UAVCAN message “uavcan.protocol.NodeStatus” for the background information. The UAVCAN specification is available at
  • id: 340 The global position resulting from GPS and sensor fusion..
  • Flags for the global position report.
  • id: 248 Message implementing parts of the V2 payload specs in V1 frames for transitional support..
  • id: 74 Metrics typically displayed on a HUD for fixed wing aircraft..
  • id: 241 Vibration levels and accelerometer clipping.
  • id: 104 Global position estimate from a Vicon motion system source..
  • id: 269 Information about video stream. It may be requested using MAV_CMD_REQUEST_MESSAGE, where param2 indicates the video stream id: 0 for all streams, 1 for first, 2 for second, etc..
  • id: 270 Information about the status of a video stream. It may be requested using MAV_CMD_REQUEST_MESSAGE..
  • id: 102 Local position/attitude estimate from a vision source..
  • id: 103 Speed estimate from a vision source..
  • id: 9000 Cumulative distance traveled for each reported wheel..
  • id: 299 Configure WiFi AP SSID, password, and mode. This message is re-emitted as an acknowledgement by the AP. The message may also be explicitly requested using MAV_CMD_REQUEST_MESSAGE.
  • id: 231 Wind covariance estimate from vehicle..


  • Enumeration of the ADSB altimeter types
  • ADSB classification for the type of vehicle emitting the transponder signal
  • Navigational status of AIS vessel, enum duplicated from AIS standard,
  • Type of AIS vessel, enum duplicated from AIS standard,
  • Camera Modes.
  • Zoom types for MAV_CMD_SET_CAMERA_ZOOM
  • Possible responses from a CELLULAR_CONFIG message.
  • These flags are used to diagnose the failure state of CELLULAR_STATUS
  • Cellular network radio type
  • These flags encode the cellular network status
  • Possible values for COMPONENT_INFORMATION.comp_metadata_type.
  • Component capability flags (Bitmap)
  • List of possible failure type to inject.
  • List of possible units where failures can be injected.
  • Actions being taken to mitigate/prevent fence breach
  • These values define the type of firmware release. These values indicate the first version or release of this type. For example the first alpha release would be 64, the second would be 65.
  • Flags for gimbal device (lower level) operation.
  • Flags for high level gimbal manager operation The first 16 bytes are identical to the GIMBAL_DEVICE_FLAGS.
  • Type of GPS fix
  • Type of landing target
  • Micro air vehicle / autopilot classes. This identifies the individual model.
  • Enumeration for battery charge states.
  • Enumeration of battery functions
  • Enumeration of battery types
  • Commands to be executed by the MAV. They can be executed on user request, or as part of a mission script. If the action is used in a mission, the parameter mapping to the waypoint/mission message is as follows: Param 1, Param 2, Param 3, Param 4, X: Param 5, Y:Param 6, Z:Param 7. This command list is similar what ARINC 424 is for commercial aircraft: A data format how to interpret waypoint/mission data. NaN and INT32_MAX may be used in float/integer params (respectively) to indicate optional/default values (e.g. to use the component’s current yaw or latitude rather than a specific value). See for information about the structure of the MAV_CMD entries
  • ACK / NACK / ERROR values as a result of MAV_CMDs and for mission item transmission.
  • Possible actions an aircraft can take to avoid a collision.
  • Source of information about this collision.
  • Aircraft-rated danger from this threat.
  • Component ids (values) for the different types and instances of onboard hardware/software that might make up a MAVLink system (autopilot, cameras, servos, GPS systems, avoidance systems etc.). Components must use the appropriate ID in their source address when sending messages. Components can also use IDs to determine if they are the intended recipient of an incoming message. The MAV_COMP_ID_ALL value is used to indicate messages that must be processed by all components. When creating new entries, components that can have multiple instances (e.g. cameras, servos etc.) should be allocated sequential values. An appropriate number of values should be left free after these components to allow the number of instances to be expanded.
  • A data stream is not a fixed set of messages, but rather a recommendation to the autopilot software. Individual autopilots may or may not obey the recommended messages.
  • Enumeration of distance sensor types
  • Bitmap of options for the MAV_CMD_DO_REPOSITION
  • Enumeration of estimator types
  • Actions that may be specified in MAV_CMD_OVERRIDE_GOTO to override mission execution.
  • Enumeration of landed detector states
  • Result of mission operation (in a MISSION_ACK message).
  • Type of mission items being requested/sent in mission protocol.
  • These defines are predefined OR-combined mode flags. There is no need to use values from this enum, but it simplifies the use of the mode flags. Note that manual input is enabled in all modes as a safety override.
  • These values encode the bit positions of the decode position. These values can be used to read the value of a flag bit by combining the base_mode variable with AND with the flag position value. The result will be either 0 or 1, depending on if the flag is set or not.
  • Enumeration of possible mount operation modes. This message is used by obsolete/deprecated gimbal messages.
  • Specifies the datatype of a MAVLink extended parameter.
  • Specifies the datatype of a MAVLink parameter.
  • Result from a MAVLink command (MAV_CMD)
  • The ROI (region of interest) for the vehicle. This can be be used by the vehicle for camera/vehicle attitude alignment (see MAV_CMD_NAV_ROI).
  • Enumeration of sensor orientation, according to its rotations
  • Indicates the severity level, generally used for status messages to indicate their relative urgency. Based on RFC-5424 using expanded definitions at:
  • MAVLINK component type reported in HEARTBEAT message. Flight controllers must report the type of the vehicle on which they are mounted (e.g. MAV_TYPE_OCTOROTOR). All other components must report a value appropriate for their type (e.g. a camera must use MAV_TYPE_CAMERA).
  • Enumeration of VTOL states
  • Yaw behaviour during orbit flight.
  • Parachute actions. Trigger release and enable/disable auto-release.
  • Result from a PARAM_EXT_SET message.
  • Precision land modes (used in MAV_CMD_NAV_LAND).
  • RC type
  • RTK GPS baseline coordinate system, used for RTK corrections
  • SERIAL_CONTROL device types
  • Focus types for MAV_CMD_SET_CAMERA_FOCUS
  • Flags to indicate the status of camera storage.
  • Generalized UAVCAN node health
  • Generalized UAVCAN node mode
  • Airborne status of UAS.
  • Stream status flags (Bitmap)
  • Video stream types
  • Direction of VTOL transition
  • WiFi Mode.
  • Possible responses from a WIFI_CONFIG_AP message.