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QRCode encoder

This crate provides a QR code and Micro QR code encoder for binary data.

use qrcode::QrCode;
use image::Luma;

// Encode some data into bits.
let code = QrCode::new(b"01234567").unwrap();

// Render the bits into an image.
let image = code.render::<Luma<u8>>().build();

// Save the image.

// You can also render it into a string.
let string = code.render()
    .light_color(' ')
println!("{}", string);


The bits module encodes binary data into raw bits used in a QR code.

The canvas module puts raw bits into the QR code canvas.

The ec module applies the Reed-Solomon error correction codes.

Find the optimal data mode sequence to encode a piece of data.

Render a QR code into image.


The encoded QR code symbol.


The color of a module.

The error correction level. It allows the original information be recovered even if parts of the code is damaged.

In QR code terminology, Version means the size of the generated image. Larger version means the size of code is larger, and therefore can carry more information.

Type Definitions

QrResult is a convenient alias for a QR code generation result.