[−][src]Crate marked
Parsing, filtering, selecting and serializing HTML/XML markup.
See the project ../README for a feature overview.
filter | Mutating visitor support for |
html | Support for html5 parsing to |
xml | Support for XML parsing to |
chain_filters | Compose a new filter closure, by chaining a list of 1 to many closures or
function paths. Each is executed in order, while the returned action remains
Attribute | A tag attribute, e.g. |
Decoder | A |
Descender | A depth-first iterator returned by |
Document | A DOM-like container for a tree of markup elements and text. |
DocumentType | Document type definition details. |
Element | A markup element with name and attributes. |
EncodingHint | A set of confidence-weighted evidence that a text document is in a particular encoding. |
Node | A typed node (e.g. text, element, etc.) within a |
NodeId | A |
NodeRef | A |
ProcessingInstruction | Processing instruction details. |
QualName | A fully qualified name (with a namespace), used to depict names of tags and attributes. |
Selector | A selecting iterator returned by |
NodeData | The node kind and payload data associated with that kind. |
BOM_CONF | Recommended confidence for hints based on a leading Byte-Order-Mark (BOM) at the start of a document stream. |
DEFAULT_CONF | Recommended confidence for an initial default encoding. |
HTML_META_CONF | Recommended confidence for the sum of all hints from within an HTML head, in meta elements. |
HTTP_CTYPE_CONF | Recommended confidence for a hint from an HTTP Content-Type header with charset. |
INITIAL_BUFFER_SIZE | Initial parse buffer size in which encoding hints are considered, possibly triggering reparse. |
READ_BUFFER_SIZE | Subsequent parse buffer size used for reading and parsing, after
Type Definitions
LocalName | |
Namespace | |
SharedEncodingHint | An |
StrTendril |