Crate markdown

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Public API of markdown-rs.

This module exposes primarily to_html(). It also exposes to_html_with_options() and to_mdast().

  • to_html() — safe way to transform (untrusted?) markdown into HTML
  • to_html_with_options() — like to_html but lets you configure how markdown is turned into HTML, such as allowing dangerous HTML or turning on/off different constructs (GFM, MDX, and the like)
  • to_mdast() — turn markdown into a syntax tree


markdown syntax tree: mdast.
abstract syntax trees: unist.


Configuration that describes how to compile to HTML.
Control which constructs are enabled.
Configuration that describes how to parse from markdown and compile to HTML.
Configuration that describes how to parse from markdown.


Type of line endings in markdown.
Expression kind.
Signal used as feedback when parsing MDX ESM/expressions.


Turn markdown into HTML.
Turn markdown into HTML, with configuration.
Turn markdown into a syntax tree.

Type Definitions

Signature of a function that parses MDX ESM.
Signature of a function that parses MDX expressions.