Module markdown_it::parser

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Parser itself + stuff that allows you to extend it.

In order to understand how this parser works, you need to understand the concept of Rule Chains. “Rule Chain” is an ordered set of functions that get executed sequentially. This is an example of a Rule Chain:

let rules : Vec<fn(&mut String)> = vec![
    |s| { s.push_str("hello"); },
    |s| { s.push(','); },
    |s| { s.push(' '); },
    |s| { s.push_str("world"); },
    |s| { s.push('!'); },
dbg!(rules.iter().fold(String::new(), |mut s, f| { f(&mut s); s }));

The example above builds a string using 5 independent functions. You can extend it by pushing your own function in that vector that manipulate the state (String) in any way you like.

MarkdownIt parser consists of three Rule Chains:

  • inline (where functions get executed on every character)
  • block (where functions get executed on every line)
  • core (where functions get executed once per document)

You can extend each one of these chains by using md.inline.add_rule, md.block.add_rule or md.add_rule respectively.

These are examples of the rules in each chain (view source to see implementation):
