Crate marc_relators

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A crate for serializing and deserializing MARC relators.

A MARC record is a MA-chine Readable Cataloging record. This crate does not attempt to deal with records themselves, only with their relators.

use marc_relators::MarcRelator;

let relator: MarcRelator = "aut".parse().unwrap();
assert_eq!(relator, MarcRelator::Author);

assert_eq!(relator.code(), "aut");
assert_eq!(, "Author");
    // The full descriptions can be quite long FYI
    concat!("A person, family, or organization responsible for ",
            "creating a work that is primarily textual in content").as_bytes(),

This crate tracks the most current MARC specification. At this time, this is MARC 21.


  • serde: Enables de/serializatin with serde. Not enabled by default.


A MARC relator.
An error returned when parsing a string.