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§Manganis CLI Support

This crate provides utilities to collect assets that integrate with the Manganis macro. It makes it easy to integrate an asset collection and optimization system into a build tool.

use manganis_cli_support::{AssetManifestExt, ManganisSupportGuard};
use manganis_common::{AssetManifest, Config};

fn main() {
    use std::process::Command;

    // This is the location where the assets will be copied to in the filesystem
    let assets_file_location = "./assets";
    // This is the location where the assets will be served from
    let assets_serve_location = "/assets";

    // First set any settings you need for the build

    // Next, tell manganis that you support assets
    let _guard = ManganisSupportGuard::default();

    // Then build your application

    // Then collect the assets
    let manifest = AssetManifest::load();

    // Remove the old assets
    let _ = std::fs::remove_dir_all(assets_file_location);

    // And copy the static assets to the public directory

    // Then collect the tailwind CSS
    let css = manifest.collect_tailwind_css(true, &mut Vec::new());

    // And write the CSS to the public directory
    std::fs::write(format!("{}/tailwind.css", assets_file_location), css).unwrap();



