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Iterators that generate primitive integers that tend to have long runs of binary 0s and 1s.

Integers with long runs of 0s and 1s are good for testing; they’re more likely to result in carries and borrows than uniformly random integers. This idea was inspired by GMP’s mpz_rrandomb function, although striped integer generators are more general: they can also produce integers with runs that are shorter than average, so that they tend to contain alternating bits like $1010101$.

Let the average length of a run of 0s and 1s be $m$. The functions in this module allow the user to specify a rational $m$ through the parameters m_numerator and m_denominator. Since any binary sequence has an average run length of at least 1, $m$ must be at least 1; but if it is exactly 1 then the sequence is strictly alternating and no longer random, so 1 is not allowed either. if $m$ is between 1 and 2, the sequence is less likely to have two equal adjacent bits than a uniformly random sequence. If $m$ is 2, the sequence is uniformly random. If $m$ is greater than 2 (the most useful case), the sequence tends to have long runs of 0s and 1s.


A random striped sequence with parameter $m \geq 1$ is an infinite sequence of bits, defined as follows. The first bit is 0 or 1 with equal probability. Every subsequent bit has a $1/m$ probability of being different than the preceding bit. Notice that every sequence has an equal probability as its negation. Also, if $m > 1$, any sequence has a nonzero probability of occurring.

  • $m=1$ is disallowed. If it were allowed, the sequence would be either $01010101010101010101\ldots$ or $10101010101010101010\ldots$.
  • If $1<m<2$, the sequence tends to alternate between 0 and 1 more often than a uniformly random sequence. A sample sequence with $m=33/32$ is $1010101010101010101010110101010101010101\ldots$.
  • If $m=2$, the sequence is uniformly random. A sample sequence with $m=2$ is $1100110001101010100101101001000001100001\ldots$.
  • If $m>2$, the sequence tends to have longer runs of 0s and 1s than a uniformly random sequence. A sample sequence with $m=32$ is $1111111111111111110000000011111111111111\ldots$.

An alternative way to generate a striped sequence is to start with 0 or 1 with equal probability and then determine the length of each block of equal bits using a geometric distribution with mean $m$. In practice, this isn’t any more efficient than the naive algorithm.

We can generate a random striped unsigned integer of type T by taking the first $W$ bits of a striped sequence. Fixing the parameter $m$ defines a distribution over Ts. A few things can be said about the probability $P_m(n)$ of an unsigned integer $n$ of width $W$ being generated:

  • $P_m(n) = P_m(\lnot n)$
  • $P_m(0) = P_m(2^W-1) = \frac{1}{2} \left ( 1-\frac{1}{m} \right )^{W-1}$. If $m>2$, this is the maximum probability achieved; if $m<2$, the minimum.
  • $P_m(\lfloor 2^W/3 \rfloor) = P_m(\lfloor 2^{W+1}/3 \rfloor) = 1/(2m^{W-1})$. If $m>2$, this is the minimum probability achieved; if $m<2$, the maximum.
  • Because of these distributions’ symmetry, their mean is $(2^W-1)/2$ and their skewness is 0. It’s hard to say anything about their standard deviations or excess kurtoses, although these can be computed quickly for specific values of $m$ when $W$ is 8 or 16.

We can similarly generate random striped signed integers of width $W$. The sign bit is chosen uniformly, and the remaining $W-1$ are taken from a striped sequence.

To generate striped integers from a range, the integers are constructed one bit at a time. Some bits are forced; they must be 0 or 1 in order for the final integer to be within the specified range. If a bit is not forced, it is different from the preceding bit with probability $1/m$.


Generates bits from a striped random sequence.

Generates random striped Vec<bool>s.

Generates random natural (non-negative) signed integers from a random striped distribution.

Generates random negative signed integers from a random striped distribution.

Generates random signed integers from a random striped distribution.

Generates random unsigned integers from a random striped distribution.

Generates random striped unsigneds from a range.

Generates random striped Vecs of unsigneds.


Generates random striped signeds from a range.


Generates a striped Vec<bool>, with a given length, from a StripedBitSource.

Generates a striped unsigned Vec, with a given number of bits (not length!), from a StripedBitSource.

Generates random striped Vec<bool>s.

Generates random striped Vec<bool>s, with lengths from an iterator.

Generates random striped Vec<bool>s, with lengths in $[a, b]$.

Generates random striped Vec<bool>s, with lengths in $[a, b)$.

Generates random striped Vec<bool>s, with a minimum length.

Generates random striped Vec<bool>s of a given length.

Generates random striped unsigned Vecs of a given length.

Generates random natural (non-negative) signed integers from a random striped distribution.

Generates random negative signed integers from a random striped distribution.

Generates random nonzero signed integers from a random striped distribution.

Generates random positive signed integers from a random striped distribution.

Generates random positive unsigned integers from a random striped distribution.

Generates random striped signeds in the range $[a, b)$.

Generates random striped signeds in the range $[a, b]$.

Generates random signed integers from a random striped distribution.

Generates random unsigned integers of up to chunk_size bits from a random striped distribution.

Generates random striped unsigneds in the range $[a, b]$.

Generates random striped unsigneds in the range $[a, b)$.

Generates random striped Vecs of unsigneds.

Generates random striped Vecs of unsigneds, with lengths from an iterator.

Generates random striped Vecs of unsigneds, with lengths in $[a, b]$.

Generates random striped Vecs of unsigneds, with lengths in $[a, b)$.

Generates random striped Vecs of unsigneds, with a minimum length.

Generates random unsigned integers from a random striped distribution.