Module mailslurp::models::inbox[][src]



Inbox : Representation of a MailSlurp inbox. An inbox has an ID and a real email address. Emails can be sent to or from this email address. Inboxes are either SMTP or HTTP mailboxes. The default, HTTP inboxes, use AWS SES to process emails and are best suited as test email accounts. SMTP inboxes use a custom mail server at and are best used for public facing email addresses. Use the EmailController or the InboxController methods to send and receive emails and attachments. Inboxes may have a description, name, and tags for display purposes. You can also favourite an inbox for easier searching. Inboxes can be private or allow team access. Team access enabled inboxes can be seen by other members of an organization.



Type of inbox - either HTTP (default) or SMTP. HTTP inboxes are great for testing. SMTP inboxes are processed by a custom SMTP mail server and are better for public facing inboxes that receive emails from Gmail and other large providers. If using a custom domain the domain type must match the inbox type. Use an SMTP domain for SMTP inboxes that includes an MX record pointing to 10 for inbound messages.