initSidebarItems({"enum":[["SerialisationError","Serialisation error."]],"fn":[["deserialise","Deserialise a Decodable type using default max size limit."],["deserialise_from","Deserialise a Decodable type directly from a Read with default size limit."],["deserialise_from_with_limit","Deserialise a Decodable type directly from a Read with max size limit specified."],["deserialise_with_limit","Deserialise a Decodable type with max size limit specified."],["serialise","Serialise an Encodable type using default max size limit."],["serialise_into","Serialise an Encodable type directly into a Write with default size limit."],["serialise_into_with_limit","Serialise an Encodable type directly into a Write with max size limit specified."],["serialise_with_limit","Serialise an Encodable type with max limit specified."]]});