initSidebarItems({"constant":[["MSG_TERMINATOR","Message terminator for streaming to Log Servers. Servers must look out for this sequence which demarcates the end of a particular log message."]],"fn":[["init","Initialises the `env_logger` for output to stdout."],["init_to_file","Initialises the `env_logger` for output to a file and optionally to the console asynchronously."],["init_to_server","Initialises the `env_logger` for output to a server and optionally to the console asynchronously."],["init_to_web_socket","Initialises the `env_logger` for output to a web socket and optionally to the console asynchronously. The log which goes to the web-socket will be both verbose and in JSON as filters should be present in web-servers to manipulate the output/view."]]});