Module maidsafe_utilities::log [] [src]

Allows initialising the env_logger with a standard message format.

These functions can initialise the env_logger for output to stderr only, or to a file and stderr.

An example of a log message is:

W 19:33:49.245434 <main> [example:src/] Warning level message.
^        ^          ^        ^          ^                    ^
|    timestamp      | top-level module  |                 message
|                   |                   |
|              thread name       file and line no.
level (E, W, I, D, or T for error, warn, info, debug or trace respectively)

Logging of the thread name is enabled or disabled via the show_thread_name parameter. If enabled, and the thread executing the log statement is unnamed, the thread name is shown as ???.

The functions can safely be called multiple times concurrently.


extern crate log;
extern crate maidsafe_utilities;
use std::thread;
use maidsafe_utilities::thread::RaiiThreadJoiner;

fn main() {

    warn!("A warning");

    let unnamed = thread::spawn(move || info!("Message in unnamed thread"));
    let _ = unnamed.join();

    let _named = RaiiThreadJoiner::new(thread!("Worker",
                     move || error!("Message in named thread")));

    // W 12:24:07.064746 <main> [example:src/] A warning
    // I 12:24:07.065746 ??? [example:src/] Message in unnamed thread
    // E 12:24:07.065746 Worker [example:src/] Message in named thread



Initialises the env_logger for output to stderr.


Initialises the env_logger for output to a file and to stderr.