Attribute Macro magnus::init

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Mark a function as the ‘init’ function to be run for a library when it is required by Ruby code.

The init function is used to define your Ruby modules & classes, bind functions as Ruby methods, etc.


  • name = "..." - sets the name of the init function exported for Ruby. This default’s to the current crate’s name. The name will be prepended with Init_ and - will be replaced with _. This (minus the Init_ prefix) must match the name of the final .so/.bundle file.


fn distance(a: (f64, f64), b: (f64, f64)) -> f64 {
    ((b.0 - a.0).powi(2) + (b.1 - a.1).powi(2)).sqrt()

fn init() {
    magnus::define_global_function("distance", magnus::function!(distance, 2));

The init function can also return Result<(), magnus::Error>.

use magnus::{class, define_module, function, method, prelude::*, Error};

#[magnus::wrap(class = "Euclid::Point", free_immediately, size)]
struct Point {
    x: isize,
    y: isize,

impl Point {
    fn new(x: isize, y: isize) -> Self {
        Self { x, y }

    fn x(&self) -> isize {

    fn y(&self) -> isize {

fn init() -> Result<(), Error> {
    let module = define_module("Euclid")?;
    let class = module.define_class("Point", class::object())?;
    class.define_singleton_method("new", function!(Point::new, 2))?;
    class.define_method("x", method!(Point::x, 0))?;
    class.define_method("y", method!(Point::y, 0))?;

Setting the name.

#[magnus::init(name = "example")]
fn init() {