macro_rules! function {
    ($name:expr, -2) => { ... };
    ($name:expr, -1) => { ... };
    ($name:expr, 0) => { ... };
    ($name:expr, 1) => { ... };
    ($name:expr, 2) => { ... };
    ($name:expr, 3) => { ... };
    ($name:expr, 4) => { ... };
    ($name:expr, 5) => { ... };
    ($name:expr, 6) => { ... };
    ($name:expr, 7) => { ... };
    ($name:expr, 8) => { ... };
    ($name:expr, 9) => { ... };
    ($name:expr, 10) => { ... };
    ($name:expr, 11) => { ... };
    ($name:expr, 12) => { ... };
    ($name:expr, 13) => { ... };
    ($name:expr, 14) => { ... };
    ($name:expr, 15) => { ... };
    ($name:expr, 16) => { ... };
    ($name:expr, $arity:expr) => { ... };
Expand description

Wrap a Rust function item with Ruby type conversion and error handling, ignoring Ruby’s self argument.

This macro wraps the given function and returns a function pointer implementing the Method trait, suitable for passing to functions that define Ruby methods such as define_method.

Ruby code implicitly always has a self parameter available. In the extention API this is passed explicitly. The wrapper this macro generates ignores that argument, and does not pass it to the wrapped function.

The values -2 and -1 for arity have special meaning. Both indicate functions with any number of arguments, with -2 the arguments are passed as a RArray, with -1 they are passed as a slice of Values. Arity of -1 can be used with scan_args and get_kwargs for more complex method signatures.

-2fn(arguments: RArray) -> Result<R, Error>
-1fn(arguments: &[Value]) -> Result<R, Error>
0fn()-> Result<R, Error>
1fn(arg1: T) -> Result<R, Error>
2fn(arg1: T, arg2: U) -> Result<R, Error>

Where T, U, and so on are any types that implement TryConvert, and R implements Into<Value>. It is also possible to return just R rather than a Result for functions that will never error, and omit the return value (i.e. return ()) for a function that returns nil to Ruby. See ReturnValue for more details on what can be returned.

See the method macro for cases where the self argument is required.


fn distance(a: (f64, f64), b: (f64, f64)) -> f64 {
    ((b.0 - a.0).powi(2) + (b.0 - a.0).powi(2)).sqrt()

fn init() {
    magnus::define_global_function("distance", magnus::function!(distance, 2));