Crate lzokay_native

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LZ👌in Rust

A pure rust port of lzokay, which is a C++ implementation of the LZO compression format.


Compressing raw data

use std::fs::File;

fn main () -> Result<(), lzokay_native::Error> {
    let data = include_bytes!("../test-data/uncompressed/alice29.txt");
    let compressed = lzokay_native::compress(data);


Multiple compressions without repeated (de-)allocations

By using a Dict and compress_with_dict you can avoid repeat allocation/deallocation of the work memory used by the compressor:

use std::fs::File;

fn main () -> Result<(), lzokay_native::Error> {
    let mut dict = lzokay_native::Dict::new();

    let data1 = include_bytes!("../test-data/uncompressed/alice29.txt");
    let compressed1 = lzokay_native::compress_with_dict(data1, &mut dict)?;

    let data2 = include_bytes!("../test-data/uncompressed/asyoulik.txt");
    let compressed2 = lzokay_native::compress_with_dict(data2, &mut dict)?;

Decompressing a file

use std::fs::File;

fn main () -> Result<(), lzokay_native::Error> {
    let file_path = "./test-data/compressed/fields.c.lzo";
    let mut file = File::open(file_path)?; // file implements std::io::Read
    let decompressed = lzokay_native::decompress(&mut file, None);


Decompressing raw data

use std::fs::File;

fn main () -> Result<(), lzokay_native::Error> {
    let data = include_bytes!("../test-data/compressed/fields.c.lzo");
    let decompressed = lzokay_native::decompress_all(data, None);



  • Dictcompress
    A Dict can be used to across multiple compression runs; avoiding repeat allocation/deallocation of the work memory used by the compressor.


  • The various errors that can be reported by this crate.
