[][src]Crate lyon

2d rendering on the GPU in rust.


crate ci


This meta-crate (lyon) reexports the following sub-crates for convenience:

  • crate doc - lyon_tessellation - Path tessellation routines.
  • crate doc - lyon_path - Tools to build and iterate over paths.
  • crate doc - lyon_algorithms - Various 2d path related algorithms.
  • crate doc - lyon_geom - 2d utilities for cubic and quadratic bézier curves, arcs and more.
  • crate doc - lyon_svg - Create paths using SVG's path syntax.
  • crate doc - lyon_extra - Additional testing and debugging tools.
  • crate doc - lyon_tess2 - Alternative fill tessellation implementation using libtess2.

Each lyon_<name> crate is reexported as a <name> module in lyon. For example:

This example is not tested
extern crate lyon_tessellation;
use lyon_tessellation::FillTessellator;

Is equivalent to:

This example is not tested
extern crate lyon;
use lyon::tessellation::FillTessellator;

Feature flags

serialization using serde can be enabled on each crate using the serialization feature flag (disabled by default).

When using the main crate lyon, the lyon_svg, lyon_tess2 and lyon_extra dependencies are disabled by default. They can be added with the feature flags svg, tess2 and extra.

Additional documentation and links


Tessellating a rounded rectangle

The lyon_tessellation crate provides a collection of tessellation routines for common shapes such as rectangles and circles. Let's have a look at how to obtain the fill tessellation a rectangle with rounded corners:

extern crate lyon;
use lyon::math::rect;
use lyon::tessellation::{VertexBuffers, FillOptions, FillVertex};
use lyon::tessellation::basic_shapes::*;
use lyon::tessellation::geometry_builder::simple_builder;

fn main() {
    let mut geometry: VertexBuffers<FillVertex, u16> = VertexBuffers::new();

    let options = FillOptions::tolerance(0.1);

        &rect(0.0, 0.0, 100.0, 50.0),
        &BorderRadii {
            top_left: 10.0,
            top_right: 5.0,
            bottom_left: 20.0,
            bottom_right: 25.0,
        &mut simple_builder(&mut geometry),

    // The tessellated geometry is ready to be uploaded to the GPU.
    println!(" -- {} vertices {} indices",

Building and tessellating an arbitrary path

extern crate lyon;
use lyon::math::point;
use lyon::path::Path;
use lyon::path::builder::*;
use lyon::tessellation::*;

fn main() {
    // Build a Path.
    let mut builder = Path::builder();
    builder.move_to(point(0.0, 0.0));
    builder.line_to(point(1.0, 0.0));
    builder.quadratic_bezier_to(point(2.0, 0.0), point(2.0, 1.0));
    builder.cubic_bezier_to(point(1.0, 1.0), point(0.0, 1.0), point(0.0, 0.0));
    let path = builder.build();

    // Let's use our own custom vertex type instead of the default one.
    #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
    struct MyVertex { position: [f32; 2], normal: [f32; 2] };

    // Will contain the result of the tessellation.
    let mut geometry: VertexBuffers<MyVertex, u16> = VertexBuffers::new();

    let mut tessellator = FillTessellator::new();

        // Compute the tessellation.
            &mut BuffersBuilder::new(&mut geometry, |vertex : FillVertex| {
                MyVertex {
                    position: vertex.position.to_array(),
                    normal: vertex.normal.to_array(),

    // The tessellated geometry is ready to be uploaded to the GPU.
    println!(" -- {} vertices {} indices",

What is the tolerance variable in these examples?

The tessellator operates on flattened paths (that only contains line segments) so we have to approximate the curves segments with sequences of line segments. To do so we pick a tolerance threshold which is the maximum distance allowed between the curve and its approximation. The documentation of the lyon_geom crate provides more detailed explanations about this tolerance parameter.

Rendering the tessellated geometry

Lyon does not provide with any GPU abstraction or rendering backend (for now). It is up to the user of this crate to decide whether to use OpenGL, vulkan, gfx-rs, glium, or any low level graphics API and how to render it. The basic and advanced gfx-rs examples can be used to get an idea of how to render the geometry (in this case using gfx-rs).


pub extern crate lyon_tessellation;
pub extern crate lyon_algorithms;
pub use lyon_tessellation as tessellation;
pub use lyon_algorithms as algorithms;
pub use tessellation::path;
pub use tessellation::geom;



Basic types that are used everywhere. Most other lyon crates reexport them.