[][src]Module lv2_atom::port

Integration for plugin ports.

This module contains a PortType for plugin ports that supports atom IO. This will most common way to use atoms and is also used in most examples.


use lv2_core::prelude::*;
use lv2_atom::prelude::*;

struct MyPorts {
    input: InputPort<AtomPort>,
    output: OutputPort<AtomPort>,

/// Something like a plugin's run method.
fn run(ports: &mut MyPorts, urids: &AtomURIDCollection) {
    // Read an integer from the port and print it.
    println!("My input is: {}", ports.input.read(urids.int, ()).unwrap());
    // Write the integer `42` to the port.
    ports.output.init(urids.int, 42).unwrap();



The port type for Atom IO.


A handle to read atoms from a port.


A handle to write atoms into a port.