Crate lunify

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A crate for converting Lua bytecode to different versions and formats.

Currently Lua 5.0 and Lua 5.1 are supported inputs.


use lunify::{Format, LunifyError, Endianness, BitWidth, unify};

// Lua bytecode in any suppored format
let input_bytes = include_bytes!("../test_files/lua50.luab");

// Desired output format. May specify pointer width, endianness, sizes of datatypes, ...
let output_format = Format {
    endianness: Endianness::Little,
    // Convert from bytecode that runs on a 32 bit machine to bytcode that runs on a 64 bit machine
    size_t_width: BitWidth::Bit64,

// Convert input bytes to the desired format
let output_bytes = unify(input_bytes, &output_format, &Default::default());


Lua 5.0 settings.
Lua 5.1 settings.


Lua bytecode format.
Memory layout of instructions inside the Lua bytecode (SIZE_*, POS_*).
Lua 5.0 and Lua 5.1 compile constants. The Lua interpreter is compiled with certain predefined constants that affect how the bytecode is generated. This structure represents a small subset of the constants that are relevant for Lunify. If the bytecode you are trying to modify was complied with non-standard constants, you can use these settings to make it compatible.


The width of Lua-internal types in bits.
The endianness of Lua-internal types.
Error during unify.
All possible operants of an instruction.


Takes Lua bytecode in a supported format and converts it to bytecode in the specified output Format. Returns LunifyError on error.