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Tests License: MIT crates.io

A crate for converting Lua bytecode to different versions and formats.

Currently only Lua 5.0 and Lua 5.1 are supported inputs and Lua 5.0 support is limited.


use lunify::{Format, LunifyError, unify};

// Lua bytecode in any suppored format
let input_bytes = include_bytes!("../test_files/lua50.luab");

// Desired output format. May specify pointer width, endianness, sizes of datatypes, ...
let output_format = Format::default();

// Convert input bytes to the desired format
let output_bytes: Result<Vec<u8>, LunifyError> = unify(input_bytes, output_format);


Lua bytecode format.


Error during unify.


Takes Lua bytecode in a supported format and converts it to bytecode in the specified output Format. Returns LunifyError on error.