Module luminance::texture[][src]

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GPU textures.

A GPU texture is an object that can be perceived as an array on the GPU. It holds several items and is a dimensional object. Textures are often associated with images, even though their usage in the graphics world can be much larger than that.

Textures — Texture come in several flavors and the differences lie in:

  • The dimensionality: textures can be 1D, 2D, 3D, layered, cube maps, etc.
  • The encoding: the items inside textures are called pixels or texels. Those can be encoded in several ways.
  • The usage: some textures will be used as images, others will be used to pass arbitrary data around in shaders, etc.

Whatever the flavor, textures have few even not no use outside of shaders. When a shader wants to use a texture, it can do it directly, by accessing each pixel by their position inside the texture (using a normalized coordinates system) or via the use of a Sampler. A Sampler, as the name implies, is an object that tells the GPU how fetching (sampling) a texture should occur. Several options there too:

  • The GPU can fetch a pixel without sampler. It means that you have to pass the exact coordinates of the pixel you want to access. This is useful when you store arbitrary information, like UUID, velocities, etc.
  • The GPU can fetch a pixel with a floating-point coordinates system. How that system works depends on the settings of Sampler you choose. For instance, you can always fetch the nearest pixel to where you sample, or you can ask the GPU to perform a linear interpolation between all neighboring pixels, etc. Sampler allow way more than that, so feel free to read their documentation.

Creating a texture


Cubemap dimension.

1D dimension.

1D array dimension.

2D dimension.

2D dimension.

3D dimension.

A Sampler object gives hint on how a Texture should be sampled.

GPU textures.


Faces of a cubemap.

Dimension of a texture.

Whether mipmaps should be generated.

Magnification filter.

Minification filter.

Errors that might happen when working with textures.

How to wrap texture coordinates while sampling textures?


Reify a type into a Dim.