Module luminance::pipeline [] [src]

Dynamic rendering pipelines.

This module gives you types and functions to build dynamic rendering pipelines. A Pipeline represents a functional stream that consumes geometric data and rasterizes them.

Key concepts

luminance exposes several concepts you have to be familiar with:

  • render buffers;
  • blending;
  • shaders;
  • tessellations;
  • gates;
  • render commands;
  • shading commands;
  • pipelines;

Render buffers

The render buffers are GPU-allocated memory regions used while rendering images into framebuffers. Typically, a framebuffer has at least three buffers:

  • a color buffer, that will receive texels (akin to pixels, but for textures/buffers);
  • a depth buffer, a special buffer mostly used to determine whether a fragment (pixel) is behind something that was previously rendered – it’s a simple solution to discard render that won’t be visible anyway;
  • a stencil buffer, which often acts as a mask to create interesting effects to your renders.

luminance gives you access to the first two – the stencil buffer will be added in a future release.

Alternatively, you can also tell your GPU that you won’t be using a depth buffer, or that you need several color buffers – this is called MRT. In most frameworks, you create some textures to hold the color information, then you “bind” them to your pipeline, and you’re good to go. In luminance, everything happens at the type level: you say to luminance which type of framebuffer you want (for instance, a framebuffer with two color outputs and a depth buffer). luminance will handle the textures for you – you can retrieve access to them whenever you want to.

If you have a depth buffer, you can ask luminance to perform a depth test that will discard any fragment being “behind” the fragment already in place. You can also give luminance the clear color it must use when you issue a new pipeline to fill the buffers.


When you render a fragment A at a position P in a framebuffer, there are several configurations:

  • you have a depth buffer and the depth test is enabled: in that case, no blending will happen as either the already in-place fragment will be chosen or the new one you try to write, depending on the result of the depth test;
  • the depth test is disabled: in that case, each time a fragment is to be written to a place in a buffer, its output will be blended with the color already present according to a blending equation and two blending factors.


Shaders in luminance are pretty simple: you have Stage that represents each type of shader stages you can use, and Program, that links them into a GPU executable.

In luminance, you’re supposed to create a Program with Stage. Some of them are mandatory and others are optional. In order to customize your build, you can use a uniform interface. The uniform interface is defined by our own type. When you create a program, you pass code to tell luminance how to get such a type. Then that type will be handed back to you when needed in the form of an immutable object.


The Tess type represents a tessellation associated with a possible set of GPU vertices and indices. Note that it’s also possible to create attributeless tesselations – i.e. tessellations that don’t own any vertices nor indices and are used with specific shaders only.


The gate concept is quite easy to understand: picture a pipeline as tree. Each node is typed, hence, the structure is quite limited to what your GPU can understand. Gates are a way to spread information of root nodes down. For instance, if you have a shader node, every nested child of that shader node will have the possibility to use its features via a shading gate.

Render commands

A set of values that tag a collection of tessellations. Typical information is whether we should use a depth test, the blending factors and equation, etc.

Shading commands

A set of values that tag a collection of render commands. Typical information is a shader program along with its uniform interface.


A pipeline is just an aggregation of shadings commands with a few extra information.



A dynamic rendering pipeline. A pipeline is responsible of rendering into a Framebuffer.


A render command, which holds information on how to rasterize tessellations and render-related hints (like blending equations and factors and whether the depth test should be enabled).


A dynamic shading command. A shading command gathers render commands under a shader Program.
